Hi everyone,
As some of you might know, followmy.tv's data provider (tvrage) has been offline for 2 months with no signs of it ever coming back. During this period there hasn't been much to go on regarding what followmytv plans to do to resolve the issue this has caused. Show data isn't currently being updated. We've contacted the owners several times in order to offer our help but haven't gotten any response.
As much as we'd like to help FMTV as a data provider, our main concern has shifted to its users. We are now offering an alternative solution in the form of an importer. If your guides/calendars etc are outdated, you can import all of your shows and watch history to TVmaze.
This is only a temporary solution until we know what exactly is going on. If at some point FMTV contacts us regarding their progress on getting the site fully functional, we could take down the importer again.
Link to importer: http://www.tvmaze.com/migrate/followmytv
Should you find any issues with the importer don't hesitate to let us know on the forum.
Update october 30
After some hickups during the initial rush, the importer has been working properly for the past couple of days. If you're still unable to import your shows even after waiting for up to 30 minutes, the amount of shows you follow is likely more than what can be imported automatically. Leave a reply here or in this thread if you want us to attempt importing your data manually.
Update januari 14 (2016)
The importer is currently not functioning due to changes made by FMTV on their end. We are willing to fix the importer if there are enough users who would like to use it. We are putting it up to a vote here to find out if we should reserve resources to getting it working again.
If the importer is of use to you, then don't hesitate to let us know by voting on it. :)
Update august 10 (2016)
We have updated the importer and it's currently functional. This is however the last time we'll be fixing it. We don't know how long before it breaks again. If you wish to create a backup now is the time. http://www.tvmaze.com/migrate/followmytv
This blog really really needs an RSS feed. I definitely want to follow new posts more regularly.
Thanks, I'll try this feature. FMTV was a good site, but they are taking too long to get arount this situation. Hope TVMaze can be a good substitute!
my username and password are not working
Is there an easy method to add missing shows? Not episodes by episodes
Damn, and i transferred almost every information by hand! Took me a few hours :) But still, i didn't add the shows to TVMaze where i didn't see a whole season, so the tool still makes sense to me. I currently give it a try.
Unfortunatelly followmy.tv is gone ... It's still the cleanest and easies to navigate toll - the only thing i always missed is the native app or an adjusted webpage to view on mobile.