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A young boy gains entry to the SGC and tells the SG-1 team he has come with his mother, a member of the invisible Reetou race. The boy announces that the Goa'uld destroyed his planet Reetalia and now Reetou rebels intend to kill all human beings to prevent possible future hosts.

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Episode Discussion

StevenJDickie posted a year ago


In one of the final scenes, when looking for the rebel team of Reetou, Colonel Jack O'Neill and Dr. Daniel Jackson enter the room containing Charlie and Mother and find two of the rebels inside. Charlie and the mother both appear as if there is no threat until the rebels are made visible by the Transphase Eradication Rod, yet they both should have been able to see them.

StevenJDickie posted a year ago


When Colonel Jack O'Neill, Dr. Daniel Jackson, and Plunkett are searching the hallways for rebel Reetou, Plunkett gets hit with a Reetou blast. However, there is a blast pattern on the door that outlines the position he landed in after getting hit.

StevenJDickie posted a year ago
Jeff Gulka (Charlie) is best known for playing the telepath Gibson Praise on the series The X-Files.
StevenJDickie posted a year ago
The dumbfounded machine gun operator who peers around the shield at "Charlie" is the director of the episode, Peter DeLuise.
StevenJDickie posted a year ago
Captain Samantha Carter and Dr. Daniel Jackson used a Tollan Inverted phase communicator to signal the Tok'ra. The device was given to Stargate Command by Martouf in the episode "Serpent's Song".
StevenJDickie posted a year ago
Charlie was checked by Dr. Janet Fraiser for at least two possible threats: a Naquadah bomb or bio hazardous chemicals in his body. The Goa'uld have used children to try and destroy Earth and the Stargate before: Nirrti planted a Naquadah bomb inside Cassandra Fraiser ("Singularity"), and Apophis hid bio hazardous chemicals inside Rya'c's teeth ("Family").
StevenJDickie posted a year ago
When Charlie first arrives, there is mention of SG-14 being off-world. This is the first mention of there being more than twelve SG teams. It also confirms the existence of SG-13.
StevenJDickie posted a year ago
In this episode, the palm scanner security for the iris is installed.
StevenJDickie posted a year ago
At the beginning of the episode, "Charlie" says his Mother came through with Tonane in the episode "Spirits".
StevenJDickie posted a year ago

This is the first and only time that the Reetou are seen on Stargate SG-1 but they are mentioned as a possible explanation for unexplained events in "Fair Game" and "Legacy".

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