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The Grand Tour Presents: Seamen

The route begins in Cambodia at Siem Reap and then winds downriver to Tonlé Sap lake, before joining the Mekong Delta and sailing into Vietnam. The final port of call is Vung Tau, in south Vietnam.

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Episode Discussion

LLJones posted 5 years ago

I went in with high expectations and I found it really rather drab compared to what they usually accomplish and I do normally enjoy their shows. The tone they set at the beginning didn't exactly help. The "entertaining" bumbling stupid stuff they did didn't really hit the mark for me. It has a few scattered mildly amusing bits but it's too long, resulting in feeling like a chore and didn't have that epic feeling. Perhaps I just find boats boring lol.

Chrelle66 posted 5 years ago

Completely pointless and supremely entertaining.

MegaTronics posted 5 years ago

On Amazon it is called episode 1 from season 4.

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