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Second Chance

An alien from a doomed world converts an amusement park spaceship into a working model and abducts seven people to save his planet.

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By Gadfly on Mar 17, 2019

At the Joyland Amusement Park at night, a security guard checks the space ride. He hears a noise inside and checks on it. Someone is moving in the upstairs compartment, and the guard goes up the stairs. A bird-like alien humanoid is working on the controls, and he uses his medallion to vaporize the guard. The next day, people arrive at the park. In the false spaceship, Dave Crowell is providing narration for the trip through the galaxy for the one passenger. He finishes philosophizing about t…

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Episode Discussion

kyrat posted a year ago

Sadly prescient comment about how humans don't deal with long-term problems /world-wide issues  - and this was written before we knew about climate change was a known threat.

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