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Never Ricking Morty

Rick and Morty get caught in a continuity-creating anthology device full of people telling stories about Rick.

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Episode Discussion

alexx posted 4 years ago

This episode felt so much like a mental breakdown that if Rick had leapt from the screen through a portal into reality, it would be to go postal while screaming over and over, "JuSt LeAve Me aLone!" 

It would be so in keeping with the episode that I would just nodded and think, "So this is happening now." with the same zen detachment that I watch some other show that takes itself far too seriously... as I was mowed down by Rick.

A meta commentary about the cradle of glass shards that lovingly extracts blood from the show while nurturing and supporting its development and continued existence was a claustrophobic panic of the fans, deadlines and executives closed in from all sides.

What I wasn't certain about: Does Dan Harmon want us to call him Storylord now?

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