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Part II

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Episode Discussion

jepafo posted 2 years ago

@CainCrow wrote:
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Well it didn't improve. The dialogue for a 10 year old is ridiculous. Reva I think managed to get even worse. And the idea of putting Kumail Nanjiani in anything important is never a good one. Flea was a nice bit of stunt casting but that's just what it is. The cameo by Temeura Morrison was both a surprise and a tug on your heart especially if you've seen the Clone Wars. 

The show continues to LOOK gorgeous and Ewan carries the majority of it himself. When it goes for an Empire Strikes Back "surprise!" you almost burst out laughing. The writing is really letting everyone down.

again well articulated, with well thought out constructive criticisms; I give your review 📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀 out of 10.


CainCrow posted 2 years ago

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Well it didn't improve. The dialogue for a 10 year old is ridiculous. Reva I think managed to get even worse. And the idea of putting Kumail Nanjiani in anything important is never a good one. Flea was a nice bit of stunt casting but that's just what it is. The cameo by Temeura Morrison was both a surprise and a tug on your heart especially if you've seen the Clone Wars. 

The show continues to LOOK gorgeous and Ewan carries the majority of it himself. When it goes for an Empire Strikes Back "surprise!" you almost burst out laughing. The writing is really letting everyone down.

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