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Batman is dead, and a powder keg has ignited Gotham City without the Dark Knight to protect it. In the wake of Bruce Wayne's murder, his adopted son Turner Haye is framed for killing the Caped Crusader, along with the children of some of Batman's enemies: Duela Doe, aka The Joker's Daughter, an unpredictable fighter and skilled thief who was born in Arkham Asylum and abandoned by her father, Harper Row, a streetwise and acerbic engineer who can fix anything, and her brother Cullen Row, a clever transgender teen who is tired of being polite and agreeable. With the charismatic and hard-charging District Attorney Harvey Dent and the GCPD hot on their trail, Turner will rely on allies including his best friend and formidable coder Stephanie Brown, and unlikely Batman sidekick Carrie Kelley. But our Knights will soon learn there is a larger, more nefarious force at work within Gotham City. This team of mismatched fugitives must band together to become its next generation of saviors known as the "Gotham Knights."

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Episode Discussion

acojdavis posted a year ago

Well, the idiots who own CW did it again. They canceled this good series with a "cliffhanger". From now on before even starting to watch a new series, IF it's on CW, I'll pass it up. I hope CW goes bankrupt. 

acojdavis posted a year ago

@theimortal1974 wrote:
i'm not sure why they are putting this on.  the chances of any super hero shows being on this channel this fall is pretty  much zero.

I agree with you. As far as CW is concerned, they are all about money. They don't care the  viewers are left with cliffhangers by canceling. If CW was decent, at least they'd give advance notice so writers can write a decent closure on series.  Cliffhangers, believe it or not, actually take an emotional toll on viewers. Viewers always look forward to the next episode, its good therapy for us, especially after a long day's work, get home, turn on the TV, watch our favorite series. CW, soften your cold heart.

theimortal1974 posted a year ago

i'm not sure why they are putting this on.  the chances of any super hero shows being on this channel this fall is pretty  much zero.

JuanArango posted a year ago

This is so crazy that it is fun to watch. 

Somi posted a year ago

"Its only when you take off the mask, that you discover who you really are."

acojdavis posted a year ago

I'm already liking this series. But I'm not going to keep my hopes up high. Its similar to "Batwoman" which was a good series too and the heartless CW canceled it anyway. 

jepafo posted a year ago

not as woke as woke as expected, but still woke. will give a chance, but expect the same outcome as batgirl

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