Esteban, Isa and Rafael are randomly chosen to play the third challenge of Fortuna, and are informed that they must vote for one competitor to re-enter the competition.
Fortuna: In the first challenge, the celebrities are divided into three wagons that have 14 coins, which have a value of $1,000 dollars each. They must toss the coins into a box to counterbalance the barriers and unblock the path. Once the three barriers are lifted, the celebrities in the first wagon must pull the rope to reach the finish line. They manage to earn $3,000. In the second challenge, the celebrities have 10 minutes to get twenty-five balls into the basket at the end of the course using paddles to pass them to each other, they win and earn $15,000. In the third stage, Esteban, Isa and Rafael have four minutes each to must build a ladder using four steps and climb to retrieve their flag. Isa fails to retrieve her flag and loses $3,000. Rafael and Esteban manage to retrieve their flags and earn $9,000. The game ends with the jackpot up to $175,660.
Esteban, Isa and Rafael vote for Manelyk to re-enter the competition.
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