Emma and Jason combine their efforts to launch a hacking attack on AUZA, which results in them obtaining top-secret information. Meanwhile, Mike and Higan fend off a squadron of mercenaries sent by AUZA to stop them.
Emma and Jason combine their efforts to launch a hacking attack on AUZA, which results in them obtaining top-secret information. Meanwhile, Mike and Higan fend off a squadron of mercenaries sent by AUZA to stop them.
Guest Cast
Yutaka Nakano
voices Secretary of EnergyMasashi Nogawa
voices SoldierHiroaki Okuda
voices ResearcherYasuhiro Kikuchi
voices BarberNaoyuki Shimoduru
voices OperatorNobuyuki Sakemoto
voices SoldierCast Appearances
Kenjiro Tsuda
voices Higan / Joe LoganYurika Hino
voices Mari / Sara LoganAtsushi Ono
voices Mike MorissYūki Wakai
voices Emma SamandaTatsumaru Tachibana
voices JosephYuichi Nakamura
voices ZaiKazuhiro Yamaji
voices YamajiKosuke Sakaki
voices Big DEpisode Discussion
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