Vanessa, now in the clutches of Julius and his vampire brood, is forced to demonstrate her powers; the refugees discover a serial killer among the residents, and plot to wrestle control from Axel.
Vanessa, now in the clutches of Julius and his vampire brood, is forced to demonstrate her powers; the refugees discover a serial killer among the residents, and plot to wrestle control from Axel.
Guest Cast
Cast Appearances
David Cubitt
as JohnEpisode Discussion
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The plot is fine. And a few of the actors are great too. But extreme low light is a bad choice, at least for my taste.
I have to disagree with you, I think this was the best episode so far with an intense setting and interesting plots all around.
Its too dark. And i dont mean it metaphorically. I was trying really hard to see and understand whats was happening through all this lack of light. Guess the director thought that absense of light makes it spookier. Not the case. Just more frustrating to watch.