Don and Peggy interview Danny Siegel, an aspiring copywriter whose only original taglines are variations on "the cure for the common cold." Danny drops Roger's name several times.
Danny is Jane Sterling's cousin, Don tells Peggy later. She reflects on her own progress, citing her contribution to the Glo-Coat commercial. The spot will win the ad industry's Clio Award, she predicts. Peggy complains about their new art director, Stan Rizzo. "Stan is talented and more experienced," says Don. "Learn how to work with him."
Roger's secretary takes dictation as he reminisces for his memoirs. Don breezes in to compliment Roger on the Danny prank. Roger laughs, but explains that Jane will make him pay if they don't hire Danny.
Roger flashes back to his first meeting with Don, then a fur salesman. Don points out that he does the store's advertising. "Can I give you a call?" he asks. "No," says Roger.
Still in flashback, Roger presents a young Joan the fur he purchased. Inside the box is Don's portfolio. Enclosing it was out of line, Roger remarks.
Back in the present, it's Friday afternoon, an hour before the Clios. A meeting with Life cereal executives is postponed after bad weather strands them. Peggy learns that Joan is attending the awards to charm prospective clients.
Irritated, she walks into Stan's office, interrupting his flirtation with two secretaries. When Peggy complains, he taunts her for being repressed.
At the Waldorf-Astoria, Don and Roger drink heavily before the ceremony. A stray comment from one of Ken's clients leadsPete to speculate that Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce is merging with Ken's agency.
A drunken Duck disrupts the emcee's introduction and is escorted away. "I feel like I've already won," laughs Don.
At the office with Stan, Peggy grumbles that Don accepted everyone's congratulations for the Clio nomination but didn't acknowledge her.
Stan declares himself ready to "speech-itize the whole Vicks experience." "Toots, grab a pencil," he instructs Peggy. "Why don't you write down my ideas?" she retorts.
Glo-Coat wins a Clio, but there's no time for celebration: The Life executives are at the office. Pete offers to reschedule, but Don insists they present their concept.
Tipsy, Don unveils his "Eat Life by the Bowlful" campaign. The executives find it too sophisticated. Don rattles off alternative slogans, enthusing the executives with, "The cure for the common breakfast."
Peggy tries to warn Don about the usurped tagline, but he cuts her off and scolds her for not producing Vicks ideas. Don orders Miss Blankenship to book Peggy and Stan a hotel room. "Don't come out until you have something," he commands Peggy.
Pete asks Lane if the agency is merging. Ken is joining Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, Lane replies, and bringing along his choice clients. "Over my dead body," Pete responds. "We can't have you pulling the cart all by yourself," Lane says.
At a bar with Clios celebrants, Faye rebuffs Don's advances. "I think you're confusing a lot of things at once," she says.
In a hotel room, Stan teases Peggy about her relationship with Don, but scoffs at the thought of it being sexual. "You're ashamed of your body," Stan alleges.
Peggy begins removing her clothes. "You're lazy, and you have no ideas," she says, challenging him to "get liberated." The two strip.
"Let's talk cough drops," says Peggy, peering down at Stan. "Don't flatter yourself," he says uncomfortably.
At the Clios party, a woman asks Roger if Don is "attached" and heads over to meet him. "They don't give awards for what I do," Roger tells Joan. His job: "Find guys like him."
Roger flashes back to a young Don enticing him to share a pre-lunch drink. "How can I hire you?" Roger says after they've had a few. "You know too much about me."
Back in the present, an uninspired (but aroused) Stan puts his clothes back on. "You win," he says, calling her "the smuggest bitch in the world." Peggy smiles.
At his apartment, Don has sex with the woman from the bar.
Don wakes up beside another woman when the phone rings. It's Betty, angry because he missed a date with the kids. "I'm coming on Sunday," he says. "It is Sunday," she snaps. The woman in bed, a waitress named Doris, addresses him as Dick.
After the waitress leaves, Don pours a drink and falls asleep. He wakes up when Peggy arrives to tell him that he sold the tagline of "Roger's idiot." "It's terrible," says Don, instructing Peggy to think of more tags. "I've been working all weekend with that pig in that stupid hotel room," Peggy replies. "What hotel room?" asks Don.
On Monday, Don offers Danny money for his idea. "I don't need money," says Danny. "I need a job."
Pete meets with Ken. "Things have changed in a permanent way," says Pete. "I need to know you can do as told." Ken nods.
Don hires Danny. "Are you kidding?" asks Peggy.
Roger holds up Don's Clio, which Don misplaced while drinking. He promises to return it ìif you just say one thing: You couldn't have done it without me." Don thanks Roger.
Roger flashes back to Don greeting him in the Sterling Cooper lobby. "Would you leave me alone?" asks Roger. "You hired me," Don replies. "You said, 'Welcome aboard.'" They ride the elevator up together.
Written by MichaelDeBoey on Oct 29, 2015