The vampires prepare for the bi-annual vampire orgy, and they've been chosen to host it.
With a week to go, Nadja tells Guillermo to buy opium and new pictures.
Laszlo notes that there's a stigma attached to a poor orgy. They refuse to speak of the disappointing orgy of 1937.
Nandor insists that no one gives orders to Guillermo but him. Nadja says that they need a virgin feast, and Guillermo tries to explain that he's depleted the pool.
Colin worries that no one will enjoy his room.
Nadja notes that they can't have mirrored ceilings, so she has Guillermo try out describing what is happening. Guillermo finally snaps and storms out, and when Nadja and Laszlo objects, Nandor goes to Guillermo's room to ask if his feelings have been hurt. The vampire asks about his feelings but doesn't really listen, and finally wraps it up.
Laszlo looks through the attic to get his orgy supplies, including his pornos when he played a horny vampire. He shows them to Nadja, who isn't interested.
Guillermo and Nandor go shopping for decorations before looking for virgins. Nandor spots a man who looks delicious and figures that he's a virgin. It's Guillermo's friend Jeremy, who comes over to chat with Guillermo. He asks if Guillermo is having a party, and Nandor says that they are and invites him.
While admitting that Jeremy is a virgin, Guillermo is reluctant to have him killed because he's a party.
Jeremy has a nosebleed and Nandor gazes rapturously at him. He quickly leaves, and Nandor licks up a drop of blood on the floor. Nandor then insists that they must have Jeremy.
As they watch the pornos, Laszlo says that it was banned for 60 years.
Nadja complains that her husband made porn and it's boring.
Trying to be polite, Nadja says that the pornos aren't suitable for the orgy. She finally says that they're boring, and Laszlo is offended and goes to their bedchamber.
Guillermo calls Jeremy and invites him to the orgy.
On Orgy night, Nadja says that it's going to be an amazing experience. Laszlo refuses to come out of their room, saying that he's not in the mood. He doesn't care if their names go down in history as bad orgy hosts.
The guests arrive and Colin bores people. Jeremy shows up with mocha ice cream and Nadja announce that the virgin is there. Guillermo hears her in his room and figures that Jeremy is there, and that he did a good job as a familiar but not as a friend. He goes down and greets Jeremy, who all the vampires are hissing over.
Nandor comes down wearing a loincloth.
Guillermo worries that he brought his friend to an orgy.
Mr. 50s arrive.
Laszlo arrives and announces that he wasn't going to come because he was in pain. However, he came because of his love for Nadja, and notes that his pornos lack love. Nadja tries to cut him off, but Laszlo invites Nadja to come upstairs to have a two-person orgies. The vampires, disgusted, all start to leave and Nadja tries to convince them to stay.
Guillermo has a panic attack about getting Jeremy killed.
Nadja tries to lead the vampires to Jeremy, but he's busy having sex. Guillermo comes in and then backs out, and realizes that Jeremy isn't a virgin.
Nadja apologies and asks everyone to not say that it was a bad orgy.
Later, Nandor goes to check up on Laszlo. He's a "shame bat" laying on the floor.
Written by Gadfly on May 23, 2019