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Orgy Pants to Work Recap

Maze arrives at the penthouse and finds an orgy in progress. She complains to Lucifer that he hasn't a decent orgy in years, and he held one while she was out of town for months. Eve comes out and orders everyone to hydrate, and Maze draws a knife on her when Eve comes over to admire her. She realizes who Maze is and gushes over her, and Lucifer excuses himself to a mandatory meeting at work.

At the station, Lucifer tells Ella about his orgy experiences. Lauren finally tells him that they get it and she's trying to concentrate. He has donuts, and Dan comes in to point out that he missed the computer tutorial meeting. Chloe suggests that Lucifer help by getting into the case files, but Eve texts him to come back for the next orgy and he leaves.

Maze arrives at Linda's home and Amenadiel greets her, saying that he's been helping Linda while Maze was out hunting bounties. Linda is visibly pregnant, and Amenadiel tells Linda that he'll see her at Lamaze. He makes it clear Maze isn't invited and leaves, and Maze shoves an old toolbox at Linda and says that what's she's been hunting and hopes Linda likes it. Maze storms out and Linda stares at the toolbox.

Chloe and Dan go to a crime scene and Chloe assures Dan that Lucifer will be there soon. He figures that Lucifer can't live the life he lives and work with the LAPD at the same time. Ella tells them that a John Doe was pushed out of a window and died when he landed on a sharp fountain decoration. Lucifer arrives and says that it will be all business from now on, and Chloe points out that he's wearing assless orgy pants.

Lucifer apologies for wearing them by mistake and covers up with crime-scene tape. Mrs. Basich is telling Chloe about the victim, auditor Gary Van Blunt. Gary's laptop is missing, and Basich says that what was on the laptop could have shut down dozens of businesses. Lucifer keeps getting text messages and steps aside to check them, and Basich says that Gary mentioned someone was following him. Chloe spots a sketch artist and they go over to talk to her. The woman, Beatrix, refers to Gary as "Big Nose Brown Shoes" because she doesn't learn their names, and Chloe notices that there's a man in many of Beatrix's sketches of the locals. The artist says that the man was always watching Gary, and once she leaves Chloe tells Lucifer that his extracurricular activities are disrespectful to the LAPD and the victim. Lucifer admits that he hasn't been at his best and promises that his personal life wont' interfere with the professional. Eve calls and Lucifer puts his phone on silent, and it keeps buzzing.

Maze arrives at the penthouse and Eve tells her that Lucifer was supposed to be there so they could get baked and watch a concert. However, he went back to work instead. Maze tells her that she eventually got her own life and suggests that she and Eve do their own things together. Eve doesn't know, but Maze tells her to come party with her.

Amenadiel is walking down the street window-shopping for baby gifts. He sees a woman in a window reflection standing across the street and recognizes her, but when he turns around she's gone. Amenadiel continues on and then ducks into a shop. When the woman comes by, Amenadiel grabs her and she puts a spear to his chest. The woman greets Amenadiel as her brother, and he smiles and says that it's good to see Remiel. They hug and Remiel tells him that she's sensed a baby Celestial for the first time in millennia. Remiel figures that Amenadiel already knew about it.

Lucifer returns to the penthouse and finds Linda there. She points out that he's canceled three therapy sessions and is there to see if he's okay. Lucifer insists that he's perfectly balanced his personal and professional lives, and Linda shows him a note from Eve saying that she went out with Maze. Linda points out that it can't be easy being in a committed relationship with Eve while working with Chloe. She warns that if he bifurcates his life then it will tear him apart. Lucifer says that he has everything that he wants and doesn't need therapy, and gets a text message on the case. He excuses himself and leaves.

Lucifer arrives late to meet Chloe in her car at a parking garage. Chloe hushes him and explains that Ella ran recognition and identified the man in the sketches as Vince Walker, an ex-Marine. Vince has no home address but they've tracked his car so Chloe is staking it out. Lucifer promises he won't take his eye off the car.

Remiel says that there was bound to be a child eventually, figuring that Lucifer is the father. She tells Amenadiel that now she's there, they can take the child to Heaven because half-human/half-angels don't belong on Earth. Remiel sprouts her wings and Amenadiel has her quickly hide them. She asks him to slow time so the humans won't see them fly away, and he avoids saying that he lost the ability. Amenadiel suggests that they make it a proper challenge, and Remiel agrees. He suggests that she change her clothing before looking for the human woman.

That night in the car, Chloe apologizes to Lucifer for being hard on him earlier. She tells him that as long as he wears pants to work, she's happy if he's happy. Chloe realizes that Lucifer has dozed off and hasn't heard her, and says that she's not happy because the way he feels happy makes her uncomfortable and jealous. She admits that she hates the way that he's happy.

Vince comes out following a woman, and Chloe wakes up Lucifer. They watch as Vince pulls down his stocking mask and grabs the woman, putting a bag over her head and dragging her away. They go over as Vince puts the woman in the trunk of a car, and the woman asks if it's part of the scenario. Vince explains that he runs a K&R outfit and they offer abduction survival courses for people like the woman, Joyce. The man explains that their office hired Gary to audit their business, and Gary accused Vince of paying off Bolivian border guards. Vince admits that he did it to keep his clients safe, and he tailed Gary and hoped to scare him into shutting up. Two days ago, Gary broke routine and went to Malibu Canyon, and the cops pulled Vince over for speeding. Vince was in Capetown on a mission when Gary was murdered, and Chloe says that they're good. As they leave, Lucifer tells Chloe to go home and get some sleep while he does the necessary research on the case. He insists that he's on the job and the job is his complete devotion.

The next morning, Maze and Eve stagger into the penthouse holding a chainsaw and a giant teddy bear. Lucifer isn't there, and Maze tells Eve not to start. Eve complains that Lucifer reminds him of Adam and talks about how he pined over his first wife, "perfect" Lilith. Maze says that Lilith wasn't perfect, and Eve remembers that Lilith was Maze's mother. A delivery man arrives with a package for Lucifer. It's a printer and prints out the message, "I'm sorry, Detective", and Eve realizes that Lucifer sent his forgiveness gift to the wrong person.

At the station, Dan and Chloe finds the forgiveness gift meant for Eve: a mannequin in a corset. They wake up a sleeping Lucifer and Chloe figures that it's for someone else. Lucifer tries to cover and Dan snaps at him. Ella comes in and says that the clothes Gary died in were two sizes too small and too expensive compared to everything else he wore. Lucifer realizes that the killer made Gary put clothes in, and figures from his research where Gary was. Ella asks to come along with Chloe and Lucifer.

The trio drive to the location in Malibu Canyon: a nudist sanctuary. The guard refuses to let anyone wearing clothing come in due to the rules, and Lucifer and Ella immediately strip. They go in and show a photo of Gary, and one member says that Gary has only been coming for a few months but found his "happy place". No one knows of any enemies that Gary had except maybe Julian McCaffrey. Julian is the son of Willow, who founded the sanctuary. He inherited the sanctuary after his mother died, and he's nothing like Willow because he's brought in drugs and prostitutes.

Julian is in the hot tub, and Lucifer and Ella join him. He offers his condolences on Gary's death, and Ella tells him that they know he argued with Gary. Julian says that Gary was coming on strong to some of their female members so he confronted him. He tells them that the last time he saw Gary, he was still alive. Chloe arrives, fully-dressed, and says that he's under arrest because his clothing sizes match those on Gary's corpse.

Amenadiel and Remiel go to Lux after Remiel gets some jeans, and Remiel dismisses humans as selfish and greedy. Her brother says that not all humans are that way and one might have helped "Lucifer" learn things about the universe. Linda texts to ask why Amenadiel isn't at Lamaze, and Amenadiel tells Remiel that they're advertisements.

At Lamaze, Maze and Linda watch video of a woman giving birth and screaming in pain. The instructor, Shay, then talks about mother-baby bonding and Maze leaves without telling Linda.

Chloe questions Julian, and he says nothing. His team of lawyers come in and say that they've paid Julian's bail, and he leaves. Dan comes in and tells Chloe that Julian's father is a major shipper, who bailed Julian out. Chloe insists that no one is untouchable.

Lucifer arrives at the penthouse with the mannequin and calls to Eve. When she comes out, she says that she's no longer angry and has realized that she used to be just like Lucifer when she was with Adam. Eve wanted Adam to love her so badly that she devoted herself to being something she wasn't to please him. Then she realized that she was never going to be Adam's ideal woman because she isn't Lilith. Eve never stopped to consider what she wanted to be, and Lucifer helped her figure that out. She tells Lucifer that he set her free and she wants to do to the same for him, and says that he's already perfect. Lucifer wonders if she thinks he's pretending to be something he's not, and Eve asks him if he thinks that. He finds a note in jacket, tells Eve that there's been a break in the case and quickly excuses himself.

At the station, Chloe and Dan meet with Ella. Ella checks the Internet and find out that Julian is the black sheep of the family. His father Jacob has his lawyers protect Julian, but has otherwise cut him off. Dan wonders what Julian's motive is for killing Gary. Lucifer comes in, shoves Dan aside, and says that he has the motive. He shows them the note and explains the jacket was the one he wore at the sanctuary. The note has the name Marigold on it, and Chloe confirms that's one of Jacob's ships and it docks in San Pedro that night.

Chloe and Lucifer go to the San Pedro docks and Chloe tells Lucifer that he did good. He asks if he's different at work than not, and if that person is dishonest. Lucifer assures Chloe that he enjoys work and it makes him want to be a better man, and wonders if it's real. Chloe says that people are growing and changing all the time, and 15 years ago she would never have pictured herself as a mother and a detective. She tells Lucifer that it feels right and that makes it real.

Men pull up in a van, and Julian comes down from the Marigold to greet them. He then brings women down, and Lucifer figures that Julian is using Jacob's company for human trafficking. Chloe calls for backup and figures that Gary found out and Julian killed him.

Chloe goes over and orders everyone at gunpoint to surrender. Shots breaks out, and Chloe and Lucifer take cover. Lucifer moves forward and punches one of the gunmen unconscious as he prepares to shoot Chloe. Backup arrives and Lucifer goes after Julian.

Julian ducks into a repair shop and Lucifer grabs him.

Chloe tells the backup to fan out and find Julian.

Lucifer holds Julian's head near a sander, and Julian says that Jacob isn't any better than him. Julian says that at least he doesn't pretend to be something he isn't, and Lucifer throws Julian to the floor and says that he's going to leave his punishment to the police. The man releases a rack of barrels on Lucifer and runs off. He comes to one of the backup unis, Joan, who orders Julian to freeze. Julian shoots her, and by the time Lucifer arrives, Julian is gone and Joan is dead on the floor. Dan and Chloe arrive, and when the EMTs take the body out, Dan blames Lucifer for letting Julian go. He says that everything Lucifer touches turns to shit and that he's not one of the good guys.

Back at the penthouse, Lucifer has Maze find out where Julian went. Eve asks Lucifer if he's okay, and he tells her that he tried to be something he wasn't and a bad man killed and got away. She says that Julian should be punished, and Lucifer wonders if he has it in him. Eve assures him that he'll always have it in him because he's the Devil, and Lucifer agrees with her.

In Lux, Remiel figures that Amenadiel is stalling. He says that he was wrong and that humans are living breathing beings created by God. Remiel promises that she won't kill the child and be careful where she cuts because they can't kill humans, and Amenadiel tells her that she's not cutting anyone. His sister realizes that he knows the human woman, and Amenadiel admits that he's protecting her and his child.

At home, Linda finally opens the toolbox and finds a baby blanket inside. Maze comes in and says that her mother wasn't much of a mother. She tells Linda that she's not a mom or partner, and Linda takes her hand and says that she's Auntie Maze and will always be a member of the family. Touched, Maze hugs her.

Julian goes to his mother's home and prepares to leave the country. Lucifer is waiting for him and asks how many people Julian has killed. Julian insists that the women came from nothing and their relatives sold them into slavery. He shoots Lucifer and the bullets have no effect, and Lucifer puts on his devil's face and says that he knows how to punish him. Lucifer kicks Julian out the window onto the hall below, where Eve is waiting.

Lucifer comes down and tells Eve that he's the Devil and what he's doing feels just right as he breaks Julian's back.

Written by Gadfly on Jun 2, 2019

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