In Bangor, Maine, Anthony passes through the downtown area to get to the historic 30-room Charles Inn. The online reviews read like a horror story and owner Connie Boivin is deep in debt. The old is hotel and there's a big crowd at the attached bar, The Big Easy. The customers say that it's am bar and they're all locals, and they confirm that it closes at 1 in the morning. Anthony figures that the bar has to make 20 drinks to make the same money as one hotel room.
Anthony goes inside and is directed to the check-in. The bartender, Paul Beaulieu, explains that he and Connie own the bar after he built the bar five years ago. He directs Anthony to the front desk, and Connie is checking people in. She admits that the bar is too noisy and says that she managed hotels for years. Anthony wonders why Connie let the hotel get into such bad shape, and asks for a key.
When Anthony enters the room, he can hear the music from the bar. The room has a bank vault and Anthony goes in to cut off the noise. There are fingerprints all over it, chipped paint on the wallboards, and a feces stain on the sheet. Anthony finds a roach joint on the bed, and discovers that he can't open the windows. When he tries, he breaks the glass after a minimal effort. Anthony gets out a sound meter and notes that for a hotel bedroom, it should read 30 decibels or less. The meter shows double that, and Anthony plans to come back in the morning when it's quieter.
The next day, Anthony meets with Connie and asks how desperate she is. She says that she hates being there, she has no money, and she took a second mortgage. Owning a hotel has been a long-time dream for Connie, and Bangor wasn't as busy when she bought the hotel. The town has built bars in the area, so she built one and got a liquor license. Anthony points out that there were no guests at the bar, and Connie admits that the Big Easy has turned into a bar for bartenders. The hotelier tries to determine who owns the bar, and Connie explains that they were dating. She doesn't want Paul there anymore but he lives in the building so she can't have him evicted. A guest is automatically considered a tenant if they stay more than 30 days, and she doesn't want to hire a lawyer to file a lawsuit.
Connie says that Paul has been verbally abusive to her in front of the guests and pushed her. Anthony warns that he's not an expert on abuse, and Connie says that she doesn't get to see her family because all of her time is taken up by the hotel. He wonders what her breaking point is, and Connie admits that she doesn't know. As he leaves, the producers tell Anthony that Paul has been eavesdropping on his conversation with Anthony and isn't happy.
Anthony meets Paul in the bar and he wants to present his side of the story. He says that Hotel Impossible is railroading him, and Anthony takes offense. Paul says that they started out as a couple and wanted to put the bar in together, and admits that they've had heated discussions. He insists that he never put his hands on Connie, and she hit her head when she tried to shove him. Paul says that he still loves Connie, and it's been devastating to be away from her. He figures that Connie loves him even if she says that she doesn't, and Anthony asks why he hasn't left. Paul says that the bar is partially his business and they had a verbal agreement.Anthony says that he needs Paul on the show to help him, and Paul says he'll he do what he has to.
Designer Anne Rue comes in to gives the hotel a facelift. She is confused about how the lobby and the bar overlap, but likes the vintage ceiling. Anthony doesn't agree, pointing out that the art on the wall doesn't make sense. While Anne considers the renovations, Anthony talks with Connie's daughter away from the hotel so he can get her take on the situation. The daughter says that something has always been off with Paul, and he's done things to prove that he's not a good person. Anthony asks for details, and she says that she's heard Paul say terrible things and has a text message that Paul sent to Connie. The message is highly offensive and Anthony finds them disturbing.
They agree that Paul is abusive, and the daughter says that Connie is afraid because so many people in the city love Paul. A police officer walks by and the daughter says that he's one of Paul's friends and has refused to remove him when Connie asks. Anthony warns that the hotel needs $500,000 in renovations, and the daughter says that she wants her mother back in Florida. She wants Anthony to get Paul to leave, and he warns that Connie has to get him out under tenant law. The daughter says that she'd take care of Connie if Anthony advises her to sell the hotel and go to Florida.
Anthony sits down with Connie and Paul, and Connie says that she's the owner and Paul is the manager. Paul disagrees, pointing out that they built the bar together and had a verbal agreement to split profits. He says that the bar is about him, and gives her what cash he brings in. Paul doesn't get payroll, and Connie admits that she shut off the payroll after telling Paul that he doesn't work for her anymore. Anthony asks if he's taking 50% of the money from the register and Paul agrees. Paul doesn't pay rent, and Anthony shows them the text message Paul sent Connie. The man admits that he wrote them, and offers to show Anthony similar messages that Connie sent him.
Connie admits that she has used bad language and they argue back and forth. Anthony finally says that it's a toxic environment and the business is in jeopardy. He says that the bar doesn't work for the hotel, and Paul has to get out of the hotel. Anthony asks him to confirm that he'll leave the hotel that day, Paul finally agrees and apologies to Connie for how he's treated her. Connie wishes him luck and Paul guarantees that he won't abuse Connie again. They go to work clearing out the bar and closing it down.
Anne and her team from Maine Construction Group begin renovating the lobby, while Anthony orders soundproof windows. He gets the master key from Paul and wishes the man luck as he leaves. Anthony admits that he's still not sure what to do with the hotel.
That night after the crew wraps for the night, Anthony gets a call that Paul is in front of the hotel yelling at people. Anthony, his producer, and director drive there and they find Paul outside. Paul says that he wasn't yelling, and threatens to have Anthony arrested. He starts swearing and Paul's friend threatens to attack the producer as she records the incident on her cell phone. Once Paul and his friend leave, Anthony goes inside and tells Connie's daughter to call the police if Paul comes in. He then tells Connie what happened and advises her to never get involved with Paul again.
The next day, Anthony figures that it's in Connie's best interest to walk away from the hotel. He brings in LeeAnn and Al, managers from the Vacationland Inn that carry guns with them. They weren't able to purchase the Vacationland Inn, and Anthony hopes they can buy the Charles Inn. He sits down with Connie and brings in LeeAnn and Al. They've looked around the hotel and Al says that every room needs a go-through. He also believes that there's a lot of potential, and LeeAnn says that Connie has to make the hotel family-friendly. Anthony suggests that the couple lease to buy the property until it makes money and they pay toward the purchase price. Connie agrees to consider it, but breaks into tears and says that it feels like she failed. Anthony says that she has to change her dream so that she's with her family in Florida.
While Connie considers the offer, Anthony takes her to meet Anne and Ryan, the contractor. Once Ryan leaves, Anne shows Connie and Anthony the new lobby. Anne has lightened it up and used the piano that was there to divide the seating area in two. Anthony suggests that they use the bar as a meeting space, and Creative Breakfast Concepts donated a breakfast setup to the hotel. There is new artwork that goes together, and Connie is very happy with the work.
The trio goes to the remodel room and Anne explains that she provided a color scheme based on the safe. They repainted the bed and American Hotel Register donated twelve rooms worth of linens. Anthony shows the new windows with a soundtight magnetic mechanism. Connie says that she's back in control, and Anthony points out that they get Paul out and provided a new focus. He asks what they think about the lease arrangement, and Connie agrees to the deal.
Written by Gadfly on Nov 25, 2015