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Batman's Satisfaction (2) Recap

Green Hornet and Kato are stamped and thumbtacked to the wall, but Batman and Robin come unglued and overpower Col. Gumm, Cancelled, Reprint, and Block. At the last possible instant, The Caped Crusader quickly shuts off the machine and loosens the outside panel giving Green Hornet enough room to use his Hornet Sting gun to blast open the machine since he and Kato managed to find a space within the machine to find cover. But the evil gang has dispersed, with Gumm kidnapping Pinky. Green Hornet and Kato try to pick up the trail of the escaped Col. Gumm and his gang; meanwhile, Batman labors with and interprets the letters remaining in Col. Gumm's Gumm's abandoned bowl of alphabet soup Pinky left for him and deciphers a message in the soup, which points our heroes toward The International Stamps Exhibition.

Pinky escapes Gumm's clutches with the aid of her pink dog, Apricot, and informs Commissioner Gordon of the imminent crime, and accompanies the GCPD to The Exhibition. There Batman and Robin find not only Colonel Gumm, Canceled, Reprint, and Block, but Green Hornet and Kato, too, whom The Duo believe are the crooks behind this whole criminal scheme! During the ensuing battle, Batman finds himself pitted against Green Hornet and Kato using his karate prowess to subdue Robin. Col. Gumm, still disguised as "Mr. Barbarosa," kidnaps Pinky and tries to snatch the priceless stamps. The Dynamic Duo break off their fight to rescue Pinky, and Green Hornet and Kato split just as Chief O'Hara, Commissioner Gordon and a slew of Gotham's Finest arrive to apprehend the real culprits and wrap things up. Later that night, Bruce Wayne, Britt Reid, and Pinky Pinkston celebrate with a candlelit dinner.

Written by Gadfly on Jun 30, 2019

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