David Carradine guest stars as a convict named Craw whom the Holvaks unwittingly welcome to thelr home, unaware that their son, Ramey, was an accomplice in the man's escape from a chaln gang, in the two-part opening episode of “The Family Holvak,” highly-pralsed dramatic series starring Glenn Ford and Julie Harris. While visiting a cousin near a penal work project young Ramey is present when a hacksaw is given to Craw, and the boy is then tricked into helping the man. When Craw arrives at the Holvak home as a friend of Ramey, he endears himself fo the family by saving the life of the Holvak daughter, Julie Mae, and then goes on to ingratiate himself with the town before the Holvaks become suspicious.
Written by TVgy1960wXc on Dec 29, 2023