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Season 1 - Episode Guide


Episode 1

Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Oct 24, 2016

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Keeley Donovan is in Northumberland's Kielder Forest to report on the controversial plan to protect one of the most cherished native species, the red squirrel.

Margherita Taylor reveals the secrets of how to grow record-breaking giant vegetables.

And each day, Paul Martin breathes new life into his Victorian smallholding in Wiltshire. His autumn diary starts with giving his woodland trees a seasonal MOT as the leaves begin to fall.

Episode 2

Episode: 1x02 | Airdate: Oct 25, 2016

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As the salmon season gets underway, Keeley is on the River Tyne in Northumberland to find out what is being done to save wild salmon stocks.

Margherita is on the case of a furry alien menace that could soon be invading people's homes.

Paul Martin visits a community project that is bringing farm animals to the heart of the city.

And Jules discovers how your dog could be a killer without you even knowing it.

Episode 3

Episode: 1x03 | Airdate: Oct 26, 2016

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In Lincolnshire, Jules joins the police on the frontline of rural crime as they crack down on illegal hare coursing by organised criminal gangs.

Margherita discovers why the hedgehog is heading towards extinction, and she reveals what you can do to help this prickly problem.

Diana Man has always been a keen horse rider, but what will she make of the newest trend of putting glitter tattoos on ponies? She joins the international polo team to find out why they are fans.

And rookie smallholder Paul Martin discovers that our £7.9 billion coffee habit could come in handy when growing mushrooms at home.

Episode 4

Episode: 1x04 | Airdate: Oct 27, 2016

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Margherita's finding out why our pets are proving to be the perfect pick-me-up.

Spiders strike fear in many people, but autumn is the time they love most. Jules discovers why our eight-legged friends are moving indoors and reveals why they make the ideal housemates.

And down on his smallholding, Paul Martin is on the hunt for a ram to introduce to his flock of Wiltshire horns - but will he find Mr Right for his ewes?

Episode 5

Episode: 1x05 | Airdate: Oct 28, 2016

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Keeley is investigating why light pollution could be damaging both to wildlife and our health.

Margherita uncovers a secret garden that is inspiring inner-city kids to grow and eat their greens.

Jules reveals some tips for living off-grid in the woods, whilst Paul is finding out if his smallholding will come up to scratch as a site to release rehabilitated wildlife.

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