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Season 3 - Episode Guide


Herne's Son (1)

Episode: 3x01 | Airdate: Apr 5, 1986

Herne's Son (1)

Robin of Loxley is dead. The Merry Men have scattered - Marion having been pardoned by the King, has returned to Leaford. At Huntingdon castle, the Earl and his son Robert prepare to entertain in order to arrange a political alliance for the King. Among their guests are the Sheriff of Nottingham, his brother Hugo, Guy of Gisburne, the Welsh Marcher Lord - Owen of Clun, his followers, Sir Richard of Leaford and his daughter Marion. Young Robert is captivated by the sadness and serenity of Marion. Lord Owen becomes infatuated with her - he insults and then abducts her.

Herne's Son (2)

Episode: 3x02 | Airdate: Apr 12, 1986

Herne's Son (2)

Robert realises that he must gather resources to deliver Marion from her fate - but he needs help from those who love her. With only Tuck remaining in Sherwood the task is destined to be long and arduous - but with Herne's help Robert is determined.

The Power of Albion

Episode: 3x03 | Airdate: Apr 19, 1986

The Power of Albion

When Robert is badly wounded in a raid, Marion is sent for in order to offer her medical expertise. On her return to Leaford she is arrested by the Sheriff of Nottingham. He is anxious to prove the identity of the band's new leader - being referred to as Robin Hood. The Sheriff also confiscates Albion from Marion. Robert of Huntingdon enters Nottingham in an attempt to dupe the Sheriff, save Marion and retrieve Albion.

The Inheritance

Episode: 3x04 | Airdate: Apr 26, 1986

The Inheritance

In an old castle live a young girl Isadora and her father Agrivaine, who is the guardian of a priceless treasure. Agrivaine forsees his own death in the Tarot cards, but it is a more immediate danger that troubles him. Raven, a one-eyed ruffian, together with Mortimer, Agrivaineís ex-steward, specialise in pillaging anything of value. Isadora seeks the help of Robin Hood.

The Sheriff of Nottingham

Episode: 3x05 | Airdate: May 3, 1986

The Sheriff of Nottingham

King John is tired of having his taxes stolen so he decides at last to replace the Sheriff. The new Sheriff, Philip Mark, is known as 'The Butcher of Lincoln' and his Saracen sidekick Sarak is not much better. Determined to catch the Outlaws, Philip Mark formulates a ruthless plan. 

The Cross of St. Ciricus

Episode: 3x06 | Airdate: May 10, 1986

The Cross of St. Ciricus

Robin and the Outlaws make their way to Croxden Abbey to give away their loot to Abbot Martin - a fanatical monk and custodian of the Cross of Saint Ciricus, which is said to have healing powers. En route they come across a Lady, a victim of a robbery on her way to Croxden. Thinking she is about to die, the Lady makes a confession to Friar Tuck and reveals a strange connection between herself and Robin.

Cromm Cruac

Episode: 3x07 | Airdate: May 17, 1986

Cromm Cruac

Much has been wounded in a forester's trap. His wound becomes infected and he is very ill. The Outlaws are miles away from any of their known safe villages, but happen across a kindly carter who offers to take them to his village Cromm Cruac. However, Gulnar - formerly the sooth-sayer to Owen of Clun, is not far away and has an old score to settle.

The Betrayal

Episode: 3x08 | Airdate: May 24, 1986

The Betrayal

The Sheriff's incompetence has brought the King himself to Nottingham to collect his taxes. With him he brings Roger de Carnac, a ruthless man who devises a clever plan to destroy Robin's reputation and deal with the Outlaws once and for all. Coinciding with the King's visit, there seems to be a spate of attacks and pillaging in the villages surrounding Nottingham.

Adam Bell

Episode: 3x09 | Airdate: May 31, 1986

Adam Bell

Much is captured by the Sheriff who threatens to hang him. Then Adam Bell, an ageing outlaw, kidnaps Martin, the Sheriff's nephew. The Sheriff seems desperate to get his nephew back and with Much in prison he has something to bargain with.

The Pretender

Episode: 3x10 | Airdate: Jun 7, 1986

The Pretender

A noble young man, rescued by Robin from the Duke of Gloucester's soldiers, wants to join his band. The powerful Duke and his daughter, ex-Queen Hadwisa, are plotting against the King. There is no natural heir to the throne, only a Pretender, Prince Arthur of Brittany - son of the King's brother.


Episode: 3x11 | Airdate: Jun 14, 1986


Little John intends to elope with Meg of Wickham, but their flight is halted by a mysterious mad pig lady who seems to have lost her charges. Lord Edgar, uncle to Robin Hood, comes to Nottingham to visit the King who is ill. While wandering through Sherwood rounding up pigs, Robin encounters his uncle who claims to have been looking for him. It appears that the Earl of Huntingdon - Robin's father - is in great danger.

The Time of the Wolf (1)

Episode: 3x12 | Airdate: Jun 21, 1986

The Time of the Wolf (1)

King John is raising an army against the Welsh. He orders all the food from the villages to be collected to feed his army.

The Time of the Wolf (2)

Episode: 3x13 | Airdate: Jun 28, 1986

The Time of the Wolf (2)

Robin and his band are unwilling to stand by and see their friends starve, so they prepare the Wickham villagers for action.

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