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Kim's Convenience

Kim's Convenience is the funny, heartfelt story of The Kims, a Korean-Canadian family, running a convenience store in downtown Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Kim ('Appa' and 'Umma') immigrated to Toronto in the 80's to set up shop near Regent Park and had two kids, Jung and Janet who are now young adults. However, when Jung was 16, he and Appa had a major falling out involving a physical fight, stolen money and Jung leaving home. Father and son have been estranged since.

Now, Appa and Umma run the store along with Janet who is studying photography at art school. Meanwhile Jung, who secretly stays in contact with Umma and Janet, is trying to turn his life around and recently landed a job at a car rental agency. The world of Kim's Convenience is real, colourful and urban - a diverse landscape of people and places and at the heart is the Kim family and their store. While the family continues to work and live, finding humour in the everyday tasks of running the store, they long for the day when the rift between Appa and Jung is mended and the family is whole once again.

Show Info

Network: Canada CBC (2016 - 2021)
Schedule: Tuesdays at 20:00 (30 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type: Scripted
Genres: DramaComedyFamily
Episodes ordered: 13 episodes
Created by: Ins Choi

Official site:

8 (46 votes)

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Previous Episode

Friends and Family

Episode 5x13; Apr 13, 2021

Jung gives Appa and Umma a business presentation for the store. Shannon and Kimchee's office teasing leads to a meaningful discovery for Kimchee.

Previous Episodes

Episode NameAirdateTrailer
5x13: Friends and FamilyApr 13, 2021
5x12: Hugs & PrayersApr 6, 2021
5x11: Matchy MatchyMar 30, 2021
View full episode list »


Recent discussions

Citina001 posted 3 years ago

Did anyone else notice the Easter egg in the waiting room scene at Mrs. Kim’s appointment?! The other man was reading David Chang’s autobiography - Eat a Peach! (He starts out with a magazine but at 12:00 it becomes the book)

Extra Details

Also known as:
  • Kimék vegyesboltja (Hungary Hungary)
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