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Kindred: The Embraced - Episode Guide

Season 1

The Original Saga

Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Apr 2, 1996 (90 min)

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A police detective, Frank Kohanek, has learned that vampires exist, but doesn't realize that he's surrounded by them. The businessman whom he suspects is a mobster, Julian Luna, is the Prince of the San Francisco "Kindred" clans. Frank's girlfriend, Alexandra, is Julian's ex and also a vampire. When she reveals herself, breaking the Masquerade, her unlife is forfeit.

Prince of the City

Episode: 1x02 | Airdate: Apr 3, 1996

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The feud with the Brujah is escalating. Against Masquerade policy, Eddie Fiori has ordered the death of Boyle, an informant of Detective Kohanek. Fortunately for Eddie, the vote by the ruling primogens is split and Eddie is not sentenced to Final Death. Julian has fallen in love with reporter Caitlin Byrne, a human who wants to do an article on him because he is wealthy, powerful, and unseen. In order to control her, Julian buys the San Francisco Times and appoints her as the editor.


Episode: 1x03 | Airdate: Apr 5, 1996

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A recently Embraced and insane Kindred is making the news as a serial killer. Falling in love with human women is an issue for Julian, Cash and Daedalus.

Romeo and Juliet

Episode: 1x04 | Airdate: Apr 10, 1996

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Cash and Sasha have become lovers and Julian grudgingly gives permission for Cash to Embrace Sasha. He's too late, however, because the Brujah clan, trying to provoke a war between clans, has already Embraced her.

The Rise and Fall of Eddie Fiori

Episode: 1x06 | Airdate: Apr 24, 1996

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Lily is jealous of Caitlin and sends a P.I. to take photos of Julian and Caitlin together. The P.I. ends up capturing Eddie's assassination attempt on film. Frank ends up with a copy of the photos and shows them to Caitlin, so she breaks up with Julian. Lily, meanwhile, has sided with Eddie, who is still planning to kill Julian. Heads will roll, but not the ones Eddie plans.

Bad Moon Rising

Episode: 1x07 | Airdate: May 1, 1996

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With Brujah primogen Eddie Fiori gone, fights are breaking out all over San Francisco to determine which Brujah will succeed him. This is to be expected. What isn't expected is the return of the Nosferatu Goth. Julian ran Goth out of town years ago, but he has returned, stronger than ever. And, when he performs the ritual and drinks the blood of the human infant he has just kidnapped, he will be unbeatable.

Cabin in the Woods

Episode: 1x08 | Airdate: May 8, 1996

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Julian hasn't been out of San Francisco in seven years. So when Caitlin asks him to go away with her for the weekend, Julian leaves Archon in charge and goes with her sans bodyguards to Manzanita Springs in Sonoma County where Caitlin has secured a secluded cabin in the woods. Unbeknown to Julian, the sole survivor of that bloodbath, a Brujah named Cameron, has reunited with the three remaining Manzanita Springs Brujah and has plans to take over Eddie's seat on the San Francisco conclave.

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