Batman Beyond tells the story of Terry McGinnis was just an ordinary teenager...until his father was mysteriously murdered. Suspecting foul play at his father's company Wayne/Powers Corporation, Terry meets Bruce Wayne and learns a secret identity hidden for decades. Now too old to battle injustice, Wayne is a bitter shell of his former self and refuses to help. So Terry does what any brash young kid would do: steal the Batsuit and take matters into his own hands! Vowing to avenge his father's death, Terry dons the high-tech suit - tricked out with jetpacks for flying, a supersensitive microphone for eavesdropping and even camouflage capabilities - in search of his father's assassin.
Show Info
Network: The WB
(1999 -
Schedule: Saturdays
(30 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 13 episodes
Created by:
Bruce Timm
8 (30 votes)
Previous Episode
Episode 3x13; Dec 18, 2001
Terry explains to Max why he needs a secret identity by telling the story of the trouble caused when he revealed it to a small boy who is then kidnapped by Kobra to interrogate him.
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
3x13: Unmasked | Dec 18, 2001 | |
3x12: Countdown | Apr 7, 2001 | |
3x11: Curse of Kobra (2) | Feb 10, 2001 |
Kevin Conroy
voices Bruce WayneCree Summer
voices Max GibsonLauren Tom
voices Dana TanTeri Garr
voices Mary McGinnisRyan O'Donohue
voices Matt McGinnisExtra Details
Also known as:
- Ο Μπάτμαν Του Μέλλοντος ( Greece)
- Batman of the Future