The Reluctant Dragon and Mr. Toad was a half-hour animated series loosely based on Kenneth Grahame's popular 1907 children's book, The Wind in the Willows. The short-lived show was split into two segments, the first of which featured Tobias, the Reluctant Dragon. The second segment centered around Mr. Toad.
Show Info
Network: ABC
(1970 -
Schedule: Saturdays at 18:00
(30 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type:
Created by:
Paul Coker Jr.
(waiting for more votes)
Previous Episode
The Toughest Daisy in Willowmarch/Twenty Thousand Inches Under the Sea/The Great Zoo Breakout
Episode 1x17; Jan 2, 1971
"Twenty Thousand Inches Under the Sea" Mr. Toad steals some artifacts from his chums and proceeds to construct a make-shift submarine. Once under the sea, Mr. Toad remembers that he forgot to include a device to return the submarine to surface.
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
1x17: The Toughest Daisy in Willowmarch/Twenty Thousand Inches Under the Sea/The Great Zoo Breakout | Jan 2, 1971 | |
1x16: Tobias, the Reluctant Viking/Toad's Time Machine/Wretched Robin Hood | Dec 26, 1970 | |
1x15: The Tobias Touch/The Great Motorcycle Race/Tobias the Terror of the Tournament | Dec 19, 1970 |