Hosted by renowned chef Scott Conant, each episode of 24 Hour Restaurant Battle features dueling teams of aspiring restaurateurs who have 24 hours to conceive, plan and open their own restaurants for one night. On each team, one person handles front-of-house issues like decor, seating and service while the other manages back-of-house matters like menu planning, shopping and, of course, cooking. When the doors open, each restaurant serves a discerning group of diners along with Scott and a rotating panel of judges representing three areas of expertise: restaurant marketer, restaurant reviewer and restaurant investor. Based on the restaurant's concept, execution and viability, the judges choose a winning team who receive $10,000 seed money toward realizing their dream.
Show Info
Network: Food Network
(2010 -
Schedule: Thursdays at 22:00
(60 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 10 episodes
Official site:
(waiting for more votes)
Previous Episode
City vs. Country
Episode 2x10; Jun 23, 2011
In this battle of the besties, two completely opposite teams compete for their dream restaurant while their personalities and opposing lifestyles bring extra heat to the kitchen. Dana Chaney, brand development director for a restaurant group, and Nik…
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
2x10: City vs. Country | Jun 23, 2011 | |
2x09: Firehouse Cooks | Jun 16, 2011 | |
2x08: Battle of Modern Cuisine | Jun 9, 2011 |