Based on the live-action hit of 1984-86, this animated version followed the adventures of Punky and her magical friend, Glomer, who came from the world at the end of the rainbow. Glomer can transport Punky and her friends (Margaux, Cherie, and Allen) to any part of the earth in the blink of an eye. Punky Brewster was voiced by the original actress, Soleil-Moon Frye. This animated version of the series came a year after the live-action counterpart. It had the voices of everyone from the series, and exclusively for this cartoon series, there was a magical, gremlin-like creature called Glomer.
Show Info
Network: NBC
(1985 -
Schedule: Saturdays at 11:30
(30 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 16 episodes
Created by:
David W. Duclon
5.8 (4 votes)
Previous Episode
Caught in the Act
Episode 2x16; Dec 6, 1986
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
2x16: Caught in the Act | Dec 6, 1986 | |
2x15: Allen Who? | Nov 29, 1986 | |
2x14: Mother of the Year | Nov 22, 1986 |