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Home Page is not showing TV shows correctly!, Part 2?

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

davidwrote 6 days ago:

"Watch What Happens Live" on Bravo airs at 11 PM yet it was not listed on the schedule for tonight. I looked at it and it was showing correct information. The problem was the show that airs prior to that at 10:30 PM "Manzo'd With Children" was showing it airs for 60 minutes incorrectly and after fixing it's length to 30 minutes and all future episodes to 30 minutes it fixed the missing show.
Can we expect to have other shows in the future that have conflicts NOT Appear in the "HAS A CONFLICT" section?

I have an idea what happened here (it's likely related to the fact that at 11PM the schedule moves to a new page), but I'm not entirely sure. The next time it happens, can you let me know again and hold off on fixing it for a moment? Then I'll check it out in more detail.

Now how can I let you know this is a problem in the future if you LOCK the thread from future posts?

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

I don't have the time to check this out right now, but I'll leave this open and try to reproduce it later.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

The Mark Twain Prize airs tonight at 21:00 for 90 minutes yet it appears on the schedule airing at 20:00 in error can you please fix this Bug?

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

The Mark Twain Prize airs tonight at 21:00 for 90 minutes yet it appears on the schedule airing at 20:00 in error can you please fix this Bug?

The episode was set to 20:00, I fixed it and set it to 21:00 :)

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

The Mark Twain Prize airs tonight at 21:00 for 90 minutes yet it appears on the schedule airing at 20:00 in error can you please fix this Bug?

The one showing at 8 pm was set to 8 pm :), you mixed two of them and set one with similar names to 21:00 making an conflict If I noted correctly.l

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1


JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

This show Pickle and Peanut is airing 3 back-to-back-to back 10 minutes long each cartoons on 30 October. All 3 are 21:00 then 21:10 then 21:20 however only the first 2 show correctly on the daily schedule. The third one for some reason indicates that it is a "Scheduling Conflict" however this is not a correct error message as no conflict can be found please fix the 3rd episode?

Pickle and Peanut: A Cabbage Day Miracle (21:20 @ Disney XD, 10 minutes)

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

Sorry, the schedule (conflicts) only works correctly for episodes that are at least 15 minutes long. If there are consecutive episodes of only 10 minutes, this is expected.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

david wrote:
Sorry, the schedule (conflicts) only works correctly for episodes that are at least 15 minutes long. If there are consecutive episodes of only 10 minutes, this is expected.

So I must assume that this is another problem you don't care about trying to fix as I have brought up in the past 7 months like it won't appear on the schedule if it is less then 10 minutes long as one example? Why were so many of these problems, bugs etc. even set up this way to begin with?

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

Yeah, things like this that only affect a very tiny percentage of the shows out there have a low priority.

MichaelDeBoey wrote 8 years ago: 1

So I must assume that this is another problem you don't care about trying to fix as I have brought up in the past 7 months like it won't appear on the schedule if it is less then 10 minutes long as one example? Why were so many of these problems, bugs etc. even set up this way to begin with?

They have a low priority, but will be fixed eventually ;-)

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

MichaelDeBoey wrote:
They have a low priority, but will be fixed eventually ;-)

First off how do you know this, I must assume you are only taking a wild guess? Secondly I doubt that very much as a matter of fact they don't care about what they call "the small stuff" so those things will most likely ever even be looked at!

There are just so many things wrong, not working properly that they set up wrong to begin with 13 or so months ago that they refuse to admit it and don't really care! They are more worried about adding new stuff, functions then fixing what is not working correctly and that is where the old adage comes in "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" fix what is broke first! I guess they don't believe in those kind of things in Europe?

MichaelDeBoey wrote 8 years ago: 1

First off how do you know this, I must assume you are only taking a wild guess? Secondly I doubt that very much as a matter of fact they don't care about what they call "the small stuff" so those things will most likely ever even be looked at!
There are just so many things wrong, not working properly that they set up wrong to begin with 13 or so months ago that they refuse to admit it and don't really care! They are more worried about adding new stuff, functions then fixing what is not working correctly and that is where the old adage comes in "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" fix what is broke first! I guess they don't believe in those kind of things in Europe?

They have a list with things they need to do.

They say that fixing the schedule has a low priority. That implies that it's on that list, but just more to the bottom. That also implies it will be done some day, but just not now, because there are more important things to implement/fix :-)

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

MichaelDeBoey wrote:
They have a list with things they need to do.
They say that fixing the schedule has a low priority. That implies that it's on that list, but just more to the bottom. That also implies it will be done some day, but just not now, because there are more important things to implement/fix :-)

Yes I as I said before they are only concerned with implementing New things not fixing what is broke! In the U.S. that is called "Backwards Thinking"!

MichaelDeBoey wrote 8 years ago: 1

Yes I as I said before they are only concerned with implementing New things not fixing what is broke!

That's your view of the situation.

I understand why this problem has a low priority.
For the majority of shows it works just fine.
Like David said, it "works correctly for episodes that are at least 15 minutes long." :-)
Not many shows are less than 15 minutes.

If there's a problem with a show that's 15 minutes or more, than ofcourse we need to report it :-)

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

Yes I as I said before they are only concerned with implementing New things not fixing what is broke! In the U.S. that is called "Backwards Thinking"!


Please don't judge about it, while you don't know anything too. David & Jan are currently really busy with their normal jobs those past weeks. I am sure they are able to introduce new features and fix some old ones once time permits. You might not agree with it perhaps, but for now they are just doing the absolutely necessary things that are mandatory to do so/fix it..

It's pretty clear it's not called 'Backwards Thinking', but more shortage of time, so priorities are set to more important tasks.


david wrote 8 years ago: 1

If we had unlimited resources, we would fix every last issue, no matter how small. In reality, we have very limited resources so we have to make some though choices and give a low priority to things that only affect a small number of cases.

If someone wants a certain feature or fix really badly, we're happy to receive large earmarked donations ;)

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

Well I wish I could afford to make even a $5.00 donation but I can't. However I would like to know if the Scheduling Conflicts problem/malfunction that has now not been working for over 2 weeks will be worked on any time soon please, as it still is not showing conflicts no matter how many times I refresh the pages?

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