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Episode life time numbers and seasons - episode list page

Tonks wrote 8 years ago: 1

I remember seeing a conversation where people were discussing how people don't check or don't care about episode numbers. I can't find the thread.

But my main problem is that the episode listing is not showing the lifetime number of an episode, I don't know if that info is entered when you add an episode to the site or if itsn't displayed.

If it's not stored, then, as we didn't think of them, either (for our website), let me tell you, it's a problem. Because if you need to enter special episode, you'll have two good ways to anchor them : airdate and it's lifetime number, because it will be a special, it will not have a "number in the season". and airdate might not a sufficient anchor. Not sure.

But having it on episode list page would be a great addition. On soaps, that might be the only way to track if you're missing stuff. They do say episode 30000 (just a round number) when they reach that bit etc... Not the year of the season cause they're round the year. And it's the same for shows that hit the 100 or 200 mark. How will you know if you just look at the episode listing page ?

Also, i see for long running shows that it list the last 9 seasons and to see all you have to scroll down to the bottom ? Could you consider adding "All" to top ?

So three requests if possible (maybe it's on the to do list):

- showing the lifetime number in a show as well the episode number on episode list

- showing season page per season and not an entire list of episodes with the choice of having it all displayed. I'm guessing it doesn't exist cause there are episodes not season page ?

- Add the "All" to the top for those who want to see all and maybe an option on which order you want from 1 to latest or from latest to 1 (vertically speaking)

If i'm not clear, this is page to show you what i mean by the lifetime number and the season number

Edit : i noticed 1-06 was first, it's pulling data from tvmaze (i'm guessing that was the pilot?). But if you choose instead as the site gives both options, the airdate is paramount. i can't remember how it went with rage, you'd have to ask George fergus if he remembers.

I only remeber with rage, specials were out of chronology and that is kinda wrong.

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

Tonks wrote:
I remember seeing a conversation where people were discussing how people don't check or don't care about episode numbers. I can't find the thread.
But my main problem is that the episode listing is not showing the lifetime number of an episode, I don't know if that info is entered when you add an episode to the site or if itsn't displayed.
If it's not stored, then, as we didn't think of them, either (for our website), let me tell you, it's a problem. Because if you need to enter special episode, you'll have two good ways to anchor them : airdate and it's lifetime number, because it will be a special, it will not have a "number in the season". and airdate might not a sufficient anchor. Not sure.

But having it on episode list page would be a great addition. On soaps, that might be the only way to track if you're missing stuff. They do say episode 30000 (just a round number) when they reach that bit etc... Not the year of the season cause they're round the year. And it's the same for shows that hit the 100 or 200 mark. How will you know if you just look at the episode listing page ?
Also, i see for long running shows that it list the last 9 seasons and to see all you have to scroll down to the bottom ? Could you consider adding "All" to top ?
So three requests if possible (maybe it's on the to do list):
- showing the lifetime number in a show as well the episode number on episode list
- showing season page per season and not an entire list of episodes with the choice of having it all displayed. I'm guessing it doesn't exist cause there are episodes not season page ?

- Add the "All" to the top for those who want to see all and maybe an option on which order you want from 1 to latest or from latest to 1 (vertically speaking)
If i'm not clear, this is page to show you what i mean by the lifetime number and the season number

Edit : i noticed 1-06 was first, it's pulling data from tvmaze (i'm guessing that was the pilot?). But if you choose instead as the site gives both options, the airdate is paramount. i can't remember how it went with rage, you'd have to ask George fergus if he remembers.
I only remeber with rage, specials were out of chronology and that is kinda wrong.

Most of the stuff david or jan need to answer, but I am pretty sure that we store the lifetime number somwhere.
I agree with putting the "show all" on top, so you do not have to scroll down for it :)


Tonks wrote 8 years ago: 1

- I also think that it might be interesting to consider than when you go to episode tab, that instead of showing all seasons (from most recent to oldest), the default should be current season, and if you want to see another season, you'd click on previous or something or all if you'd want all. I think 3 or 4 seasons listed is enough (but that's me), if you want to do 10 (or 9 not sure what's the default), that's ok. Also, if you use years instead of season, 10 might be too much for the display, i'm not entirely sure.

I thought you had separate pages for each season, but if you click on a season, it just scroll down to the specific season. It's manageable if you have not that many seasons but let's take for example coronation street, it has been on air since 1960, and loads of soaps have too many episodes per year to be manageable with such a display as default (medium is 300 episodes per year i think). It will obviously exists for the "all page" but that should not even be close to default display and 10 (9?) seasons is default display right now, i think. Not sure.

- You may store the lifetime number, but i don't know how epguides manages how it displays, if they have a system that counts the episodes and add them on their end. But if it's not epguides doing it, you probably store it, just not display it. So it would be adding an extra column (and i'm not implying at all it would be fast or easy to do so).

- If you could offer an option in our profile if we want display episodes listing from beginning to end, instead of end to beginning (vertically speaking). Like the follow from a to z instead of the other options. That would super cool.

Tonks wrote 8 years ago: 1

Yes. But you're asking for the APi, right ?

I'm asking for display on the site. But yeah, we're talking about the same thing. i disagree with the redundancy comment because if you're at season 14, there is no way for you to know what number that episode is really. You wouldn't know when you hit a certain mark, like the 100th or the 200th etc, for tv website, that makes no sense to me... His example only works for season 1 and 2 and if you start calculating afterwards (who would do that). If you pick hawaii 5-0 right now, each season has had a different number of episodes. I think this year they ordered 26 ? but you won't be able to know that season 7 episode 1 (if it were renewed), would be let's say episode 93 of the show (i have no idea if that would be it, actually it wouldn't, they hit the 100th mark during season 5 like most shows that start in september and have a 22 average season, but i'm sure everyone will get the point.

Gadfly wrote 8 years ago: 1

Lifetime #s were a bear at TVRage. People spent more time adding and readding and editing and rearranging them than any other form of contribution.

I advocated regularly for an automatic system. i.e., if it was the 223rd episode going by air date, the system would fill in and display that it was the 223rd episode. If it was important to say it was the 100th episode, you put it in Episode Notes.

Yes, it gives you trouble dealing with specials. But then again specials give you trouble no matter what.

Tonks wrote 8 years ago: 1

But the form on tvrage was automatically giving the subsequent one if you added it. i never rearranged those cause i would be very conversative in how I added stuff. I know there was loads of additions in advance and most of the time, i always looked at it as someone entered epsode 3 of that season and forgot to add episode 2 etc.... Or entered 3 because s/he had info on episode 3 but didn't have any info on episode 2.. Like for Arrow, they give some titles for some episodes but not in order. Once upon a time, they give them in order as a boon on twitter... display them, used too (but used to let users add episodes and i don't think you can anymore). And yeah note is fine. But that would be on that specific episode. I'm talking episode listing so a full season display.

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