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Image too big to process?

MantvydasN wrote 3 years ago: 3

Why anyone would want to upload an 8100x12000 (97.2MP) picture? 

tnt wrote 3 years ago: 1

@MantvydasN wrote:
There is no reasonable scenario where it will be used in the original resolution. These types of resolutions are only used for paper poster printing.

and? maybe someone gonna download and print it, what's wrong with that?
but that's not the point. uploading images via URL is supposed to be simple and doable even from a smartphone, without the need for any additional processing. you see the image, you copy/paste its URL and that's it. needless to say that not every user is able to properly edit the image without degrading its quality, so this step should be avoided by any means.

MantvydasN wrote 3 years ago: 1

@tnt wrote:
and? maybe someone gonna download and print it, what's wrong with that?
but that's not the point. uploading images via URL is supposed to be simple and doable even from a smartphone, without the need for any additional processing. you see the image, you copy/paste its URL and that's it. needless to say that not every user is able to properly edit the image without degrading its quality, so this step should be avoided by any means.

I never said it wasn't a problem and shouldn't be looked into. I just posed a question about its practical application. 

I don't think the Gallery has the ability to show that high-resolution image and it's a waste of resources to upload 7MB image that can't even be displayed in that resolution. But I'm sorry for derailing the thread. 

david wrote 3 years ago: 3

I'm also not sure if uploading an image this huge is particularly useful, but the underlying error should be fixed now!

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