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Get show cast by season

zavoil123 wrote 2 years ago: 1

On the website, it's possible to see the main show cast, per season, for example:

Is it possible to get the same data through the API?

Ideally, this can simply be a field in the endpoint in the character object (along with id, name, url and image).

Or maybe this info can already be obtained in some other way?


zavoil123 wrote 2 years ago: 1

David - any thoughts on this?

david wrote 2 years ago: 1

If with "is it possible" you mean whether there's a hidden endpoint for this, then no. The API documentation at lists all of the endpoints that are available in the free/public API :)

If you mean to ask for this as a feature request, we can look into it if there's sufficient demand.

zavoil123 wrote 2 years ago: 1

Well yeah, it's a feature request, but I also wasn't 100% positive I'm not missing something that was already there ... :)

rsking wrote 2 years ago: 3

It would be good to be able to do this via episode as well, as well as getting the cast per episode.

I presume that the best way would be to embed this in the call to an episode, or season? For example

mykesx wrote a year ago: 1

Definitely looking for a way to get the cast of a particular episode.  The cast and the guest stars and the crew, too.


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