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Quiz for everyone - test how well you know TV shows ;))

MAT13 wrote a year ago: 3

Okay, just for fun, here are 10 questions (each question has easy and difficult sub-question) regarding various TV shows. I will primarily focus on US/UK TV shows since I'm guessing it'll increase a chance of being familiar with the show, but I will at the end include a few question for shows from other countries for more hardcore watchers ;P I can only ask questions about TV shows I'm familiar with, though. Have fun guessing, and reply (if you want) saying how many points you got. Each question is 1 point. [E] questions are easy points, [D] questions are difficult points.

PART 1 -- US/UK TV shows

[E] Canadian Mounty comes to US while tracking his father's killer. What's the name of the show?
Answer: Due South (1994-1999)
[D] Canadian Mounty's dog is called Diefenbaker. What is his special skill: (1) Enhanced hearing, (2) Lip-reading, or (3) Understanding hand-signs?
Answer: Lip-reading

[E] Ra, the Sun God is the antagonist in which long-running TV show?
Answer: Stargate SG-1 (1997-2008)
[D] Out of the four main characters, which of them were not main cast throughout entire show? (You can name character(s) or actor(s))
Answer: Michael Shanks playing Dr. Daniel Jackson, and Richard Dean ANderson playing Col. Jack O'Neill

[E] Capt. Janeway is protagonist of which TV show?
Answer: Star Trek: Voyager
[D] Which infamous enemy race did she defeat by going to their stronghold?
Answer: The Borg

[E] Geralt of Rivia is the protagonist in which TV show?
Answer: The Witcher
[D] Geralt carries two swords, which two and what does he use them for?
Answer: Steel one to fight humans, ans silver one to fight monsters

[E] ALF is a sitcom from which decade? (i.e. 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, etc.)
Answer: 1980s
[D] What is the planet ALF is from called?
Answer: Melmac

[E] What is the title of TV show that featured Roger Moore as protagonist, and when the movie came out decades later, Val Kilmer was the said protagonist?
Answer: The Saint
[D] One of the episodes from the said show featured gigantic animals (animals that are much smaller than human but here they were much bigger). Which animals?
Answer: Ants

[E] What is the name of the show that features talking dog as the protagonist?
Answer: Scooby-Doo
[D] Beside the dog, name the remaining characters on his team.
Answer: Shaggy, Daphne, Velma, and Fred.

[E] What is the name of the show where Ian McShane plays the protagonist dealing with antiques? (hint: that is also name of his character in the show)
Answer: Lovejoy
[D] What kind of transport does his youngest sidekick use which he also often gets in as a passenger?
Answer: Motorcycle with a sidecar

[E] What is the name of the show that features Buffy's (from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer") love interest as the protagonist?
Answer: Angel (1999-2004)
[D] In the final season of that show, another vampire with a soul joins the main cast. What is the name of that character?
Answer: Spike

[E] What is the name of a popular sitcom that features these lead characters: Rachel, Monica, Joey, Ross, Chandler, and Phoebe?
Answer: Friends (1994-2004)
[D] In one of the episodes Chandler was asked to recognize the opening music from an older TV show, which he did. What was the name of that show?
Answer: I Dream of Jeannie (1965-1970)


PART 2 -- Japanese/Korean TV shows

[E] What is the name of Japanese romantic-comedy anime where teacher, who is an alien, marries her student in order to keep her disguise?
Answer: Please Teacher! (eng) or Onegai Sensei! (jp)
[D]: How come the teacher (Mizuho) could marry a high-school student (Kei)? Any valid explanation is fine.
Answer: Kei has an unknown disease and was in comma for 3 years, so instead of 15 he is 18 years-old.

[E] In Penthouse (korean drama), what were the two of the lead actresses competing in, and now their daughters are?
Answer: Classical singing (just singing is fine)
[D] Lee Ji Ah plays the third lead actress. Who was killed which prompted her to start exacting revenge on everyone?
Answer: Her daughter (just at the time she actually realised that she was her daughter)

[E] Satoshi Ono (from Arashi, most popular boys band in 2000s) is lead in which Japanese TV show based on Korean TV show? (any title variation is fine)
Answer: Maou or The Devil
[D] What is the story about and what happens to both leading characters in the end?
Answer: The story is about revenge, and they both die in the end

[E] What is the name of romance thriller drama where Yutaka Takenouchi (Japanese popular actor) played the lead together with popular Korean actress?
Answer: Rondo (2006)
[D] Which (only one) of the listed dramas did not feature Yutaka Takenouchi: Hoshi no Kinka, Koori no Sekai, Shin Koshi no Kinka, Psycho Doctor, Nagareboshi?
Answer: Shin Hoshi no Kinka (this is sort-of a reboot of a dark melodrama Hoshi no Kinka and the only one which had a happy ending)

[E] Name of the drama where lead character (played by Lee Joon Ki) is son of a serial killer, and married to a female detective that is trying to track him down?
Answer: Flower of Evil (2020)
[D] Lee Joon Ki also played a criminal that has become lawyer in another drama. Who raised him to be a criminal in that drama?
Answer: His uncle (drama is Lawless Lawyer (2018))

[E] Which of the following Korean romance dramas feature love story with age difference (older female character)? Crazy for You (2007), Something in the Rain (2018), or Crash Course in Romance (2023)?
Answer: They all do
[D] Which Japanese romance drama with big age difference between protagonists features Haruma Miura and Ryoko Shinohara?
Answer: Last Cinderella (2013)

[E] Which popular Japanese anime features a high-school detective trapped in a body of an elementary-school boy?
Answer: Meitantei Conan (jp title) or Case Closed (eng title)
[D] Mori Kogoro is father of main character's girlfriend who became renowned detective thanks to protagonist's solving cases for him without him being aware of it. How is that usually done? How does Mori Kogoro solve cases which made him renowned in the field?
Answer: Conan uses tranquilizer dart in his wristwatch and then imitates voice of Mori Kogoro during deduction and naming of culprit, so when Mori Kogoro wakes up he isn't aware of it, but everybody thinks he solved the case... after couple hundred cases, no doubt he became famous, nicknamed Sleeping Kogoro

[E] The Glory (2022-2023) is a korean drama that is all about revenge. What job does the main character get in order to exact part of her revenge?
Answer: school teacher
[D] The protagonist of the said drama became a pro in a specific board game that played part in her revenge. What is the name of the board game?
Answer: Go

[E] Song Joong Ki plays a character who gets shot and find himself in a body of someone else couple of decades in the past in which drama of his?
Answer: Reborn Rich (2022)
[D] Who does he go against at first in trying to take over their company to try and prevent his murder in the future?
Answer: His grandfather (grandfather of the character he jumped into)

[E] Japanese anime featuring two female assassins, Mireille and Kirika (who lost her memories).
Answer: Noir (2001)
[D] Which revelation prompts Mireille to try to hunt and kill Kirika (though it doesn't happen, and the two of them end up bonded together stronger than before)?
Answer: When Mireille find out that Kirika killed her parents


Okay, hope you have fun with this quiz as much as I had thinking questions about it. Let me know your score with US/UK and JP/KR TV shows ;))


JuanArango wrote a year ago: 2


E = 8 points

D = 4 points


E = 4 points

D = 2 points

that was fun :)


CostaDax wrote a year ago: 2

Thanks for doing this MAT! I love quizzes! BTW, Due South is a Canadian show. :)

US/UK/CA shows:

E = 8/10

D = 6/10

JP/KO shows:

E = 0/10

D = 0/10

As you can see, my knowledge of Japanese & Korean shows is lacking. :D

Thanks again for your work! It was fun! :)

MAT13 wrote a year ago: 3

@CostaDax wrote:
Thanks for doing this MAT! I love quizzes! BTW, Due South is a Canadian show. :)

I love quizzes too, lol. I didn't think too much in detail, otherwise I'd include some popular Australian shows as well so the first group would be English-speaking shows. Maybe in half a year or so I'll try to come up with some more interesting 100-quiz list ;P

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