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Futurama Season 8 has been renamed to Season 11

Runescope wrote 9 months ago: 2

Once again, someone has changed Futurama Season 8 to Season 11.  It goes from Season 7 to Season 11.  IMDB is WRONG.  Hulu is WRONG. Check with The TVDB, they have it correct.  It needs to be changed back to Season 8 AGAIN and Locked.

TomSouthwell wrote 9 months ago: 0

kevin87 wrote 9 months ago: 2

@TomSouthwell wrote:

But that's airing them in two parts, not as two seasons, right? It says 7A and 7B so surely they're counting them as one season split into halves or else it'd have been 7and 8 (or in this case 8 and 9 since 6 would've been 6 and 7) This is common for cable shows in the US, Syfy split season 4 of Eureka from July-September 2010, aired a Christmas episode 3 months later, then aired the rest of season 4 from July-September 2011... then had a Christmas special 3 months later. But that's all considered one season.

So if they considered it season 6-9, then these should be listed as season 8.

And something like "Wednesday July 17, 2013 3:32AM Futurama The Inhuman Torch (718) " should be 918.

TomSouthwell wrote 9 months ago: 0

@kevin87 wrote:
But that's airing them in two parts, not as two seasons, right? It says 7A and 7B so surely they're counting them as one season split into halves or else it'd have been 7and 8 (or in this case 8 and 9 since 6 would've been 6 and 7) This is common for cable shows in the US, Syfy split season 4 of Eureka from July-September 2010, aired a Christmas episode 3 months later, then aired the rest of season 4 from July-September 2011... then had a Christmas special 3 months later. But that's all considered one season.

So if they considered it season 6-9, then these should be listed as season 8.

And something like "Wednesday July 17, 2013 3:32AM Futurama The Inhuman Torch (718) " should be 918.

Were following how the network lists the new season that's all. We have no logical reason to call season 11, Season 8 if Hulu are calling it season 11. 

david wrote 9 months ago: 4

@kevin87 wrote:
But that's airing them in two parts, not as two seasons, right? It says 7A and 7B so surely they're counting them as one season split into halves or else it'd have been 7and 8 (or in this case 8 and 9 since 6 would've been 6 and 7) This is common for cable shows in the US, Syfy split season 4 of Eureka from July-September 2010, aired a Christmas episode 3 months later, then aired the rest of season 4 from July-September 2011... then had a Christmas special 3 months later. But that's all considered one season.

We all agree that the old episodes originally aired on FOX/Comedy Central as season 1 to season 7, so that's how they always have been and will remain listed.

However, the new episodes premiere on Hulu, which is clearly calling it season 11. By following that, we continue to respect the numbering during the original airing/premiere of the episodes.

Obviously skipping from season 7 to season 11 is confusing, but we feel any other option would be even more confusing. We did the same thing with for example

Runescope wrote 9 months ago: -2

Just because a corporation does something wrong, doesn't mean we follow them along down the wrong path. 

TomSouthwell wrote 9 months ago: 3

@Runescope wrote:
Just because a corporation does something wrong, doesn't mean we follow them along down the wrong path. 

We aren't doing anything wrong by numbering the season what the network are numbering it. 

Runescope wrote 9 months ago: 0

If the network is wrong, and you copy the network, then you're just as wrong as they are.  You don't jump from 7 to 11. That's just ... I'm trying to find a way to say willfully stupid without being insulting and I can't.  That's being willfully stupid. Hold yourself to a higher degree of precision than some money driven corporation.

kevin87 wrote 9 months ago: 1

@david wrote:
We all agree that the old episodes originally aired on FOX/Comedy Central as season 1 to season 7, so that's how they always have been and will remain listed.

However, the new episodes premiere on Hulu, which is clearly calling it season 11. By following that, we continue to respect the numbering during the original airing/premiere of the episodes.

Obviously skipping from season 7 to season 11 is confusing, but we feel any other option would be even more confusing. We did the same thing with for example

I didn't check the show episode list to see that 1-7 were left the same, so that's not so bad.

Though there's been times that people have suggested jumping seasons because of a network changing them and we say we can't change them. I wish we knew why Hulu decided to count them as doubled seasons despite not being produced or aired that way. I wonder if the creators have asked.

DigitalArchive wrote 8 months ago: 2

The production code clearly shows that it's season 8, which is especially relevant because this is a fresh start for the show. If the show production itself considers it season 8, then we should too. Calling it season 11 is ridiculous, especially if you aren't going to update all the previous episodes to follow the logic that lets you arrive at season 11. Now it's just a jump from season 7 to 11, which is confusing.

Just because Hulu jumps off a cliff doesn't mean you should jump off a cliff too. The show production considers it season 8. Hulu is wrong.

kevin87 wrote 8 months ago: 1

@DigitalArchive wrote:
The production code clearly shows that it's season 8, which is especially relevant because this is a fresh start for the show. If the show production itself considers it season 8, then we should too. Calling it season 11 is ridiculous, especially if you aren't going to update all the previous episodes to follow the logic that lets you arrive at season 11. Now it's just a jump from season 7 to 11, which is confusing.

Just because Hulu jumps off a cliff doesn't mean you should jump off a cliff too. The show production considers it season 8. Hulu is wrong.

Production code doesn't really matter with broadcast, many shows (specifically comedies, Don't Trust the B in Apt 23 didn't air most of season 1 and then ABC randomly stuck season 1 episodes throughout season 2) don't have them aired in that order. Even the original Fox run was aired out of production order. They produced 4 seasons, but because of sports and things, Fox actually aired them as 5 seasons. 

DigitalArchive wrote 8 months ago: 1

@kevin87 wrote:
Production code doesn't really matter with broadcast, many shows (specifically comedies, Don't Trust the B in Apt 23 didn't air most of season 1 and then ABC randomly stuck season 1 episodes throughout season 2) don't have them aired in that order. Even the original Fox run was aired out of production order. They produced 4 seasons, but because of sports and things, Fox actually aired them as 5 seasons. 

I'll agree with that point to a degree, but again, this site's current listing makes no sense because you've combined two different episode orderings which results in you jumping from Season 7 to 11. If I visit your site and I want to get a full episode list of Futurama, at first glance, it seems as if you're missing 3 seasons, so I won't waste my time to figure it out and I'll go to another site that makes sense. You should pick one ordering, and stick with it. Either go with your original ordering, in which case the current season must be season 8, or redo the whole thing so that it matches up with Hulu's website. This is a situation where you can't have your cake and eat it too, because it's just confusing as it currently stands.

david wrote 8 months ago: 1

This show will forever cause confusion, no matter what approach we choose. Sure, the current approach is confusing because an unsuspecting user could wonder what the hell happened with seasons 8 to 10.

But if we'd call the current season season 8, that would be very confusing to anyone who's watching the new episodes on Hulu (where it's very explicitly called season 11), because they'd wonder why the hell we aren't listing these season 11 episodes.

If we'd change the old Fox/CC episodes to match Hulu's new numbering, that'd be very confusing to anyone who owns the Blurays or watches the episodes on a streaming service that didn't change the numbering, because the episodes as they see them wouldn't match up with our listing anymore.

We're stuck between a rock and a hard place, the problem is with Hulu. Please send your complaints to them and let us know how they respond.

kevin87 wrote 8 months ago: 1

@david wrote:
If we'd change the old Fox/CC episodes to match Hulu's new numbering, that'd be very confusing to anyone who owns the Blurays or watches the episodes on a streaming service that didn't change the numbering, because the episodes as they see them wouldn't match up with our listing anymore.

To be fair, people watching it on DVD and BD would already be confused since those go by production order and only have 4 seasons and TV was out of order across 5 seasons.

Futurama will forever be mishandled by everybody but Comedy Central... at least Hulu is airing it the new seasons in order (so far), just wrongly labeled. 

david wrote 8 months ago: 1

@kevin87 wrote:
To be fair, people watching it on DVD and BD would already be confused since those go by production order and only have 4 seasons and TV was out of order across 5 seasons.

Right, I had read differently but I see now that the DVD/Bluray numbering differs per region. What a mess...

Runescope wrote 8 months ago: 0

Just want to point out that TVMaze has been numbering Disenchantment PROPERLY even though Netflix has royally effed it up.  According to Netflix, season 5 just started, but it is in fact the first half of Season 3 that dropped today.  So if TVMaze can number properly on one series despite a studio's botch job, why not another?

david wrote 8 months ago: 2

I don't get the comparison between Futurama and Disenchantment. Futurama is a mess because it's moved to Hulu which suddenly uses a different numbering than the original owners did. Disenchantment has premiered on Netflix from the start, which explicitly referred to the part 1 & 2 episodes as "season one".

Runescope wrote 8 months ago: -1

Disenchantment as listed on TVMaze is just entering Season 3.  But It's listed as Season 5 on Netflix.  And the different numbering (incorrectly) used by studios is EXACTLY what this whole thing is about.  If TVMaze can use the PROPER numbering for one Studio's releases, why can't it be used for another's?

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