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Show Info may not be showing correct information?

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

In the show info box it shows the network a show/series lats aired on and if 1 or more episodes are on the show the year it aired. Is there a reason why the site does not count the airings of a Special into consideration when it displays these dates? I just added this old series that aired 10 regular episodes in 2012 and the final episode was a Special that aired on 3 Jan 2013 however the site indicates the show/series aired only in 2012 which is of course not correct. This is positevly an error as Specials are not regular episodes but they are considered an episode of the show that aired.

This is the show - "Queen detective agency"

Airs on: Fuji TV (2012 - 2012)

Can you add this to your very, very long to do list so this can be corrected sometime in the future please?

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

I think that would not be useful as a series exists only of regular episodes. Specials are stand alone's that are somehow connected to that specific show. It is not worth mentioning that the series has ended in 2013 cause of a special episode which was about backstage, while the original last regular episode has been broadcast a year before.

I did change that shows name though to its original name Lucky Seven

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

Thomas wrote:
I think that would not be useful as a series exists only of regular episodes. Specials are stand alone's that are somehow connected to that specific show. It is not worth mentioning that the series has ended in 2013 cause of a special episode which was about backstage, while the original last regular episode has been broadcast a year before.
I did change that shows name though to its original name Lucky Seven

First off Lucky Seven is one of it's many aka's according to 3 different sites I used to get the show's information from because technically it's real title is "女王偵探社" according to that then translates to "Queen detective agency" with "Lucky Seven" as one of it's many aka's.

This is not unusual for Chinese, Korean and Japanese shows to have many different names/titles.

Secondly it should not matter if a Special aired 1 month after or a few years later it is still a part of the main series.

Lastly why would you want to make a lame excuse like that to avoid from admitting it is a Bug in the system and should not be set up that way to begin with?

It also works the same way from the beginning as I have seen shows with specials, previews, first looks etc. prior to the date of the 1st Episode also be ignored as well I just never said anything about it for the same reason I knew mentioning it here would be given a lame excuse to ignore them.

The just just was never set up with much information about Specials period. It's like they are considered a step-child to the regular episodes and therefore pretty much ignored.

Specials complete a series whether they air before the fist regular episode, after the last regular episode has aired or in a lot of cases over the last 10 years or so during any of the seasons.

But as always this is another thing that will continue to be left as it because the PTB deem it to be so!

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

I hope this discussion is not over and we can continue on with this "Special" problem please? Is anyone going to try and allow specials to count towards the beginning of or ending of a show as it does for those that air during the season?

If not then the only way i see to resolve this issue so that the dates show correctly in the Show info section is change any and all Specials at the beginning and at the end and make them Regular episodes with numbers? Is this what I am going to have to do from now on please?

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

I hope this discussion is not over and we can continue on with this "Special" problem please? Is anyone going to try and allow specials to count towards the beginning of or ending of a show as it does for those that air during the season?
If not then the only way i see to resolve this issue so that the dates show correctly in the Show info section is change any and all Specials at the beginning and at the end and make them Regular episodes with numbers? Is this what I am going to have to do from now on please?

My personal opinion is that a special should NEVER be counted within the regular episodes, a network orders for example 13 episodes of a show, then they mean 13 regular episodes, there can be several specials shown too, but it still will be a 13 episode season.


JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

JuanArango wrote:
My personal opinion is that a special should NEVER be counted within the regular episodes, a network orders for example 13 episodes of a show, then they mean 13 regular episodes, there can be several specials shown too, but it still will be a 13 episode season.

I agree with you on that point Specials should never count towards the total number of episodes and if that is ever added to show info pages I would count 13 myself as well not counting specials.

However this discussion does not have anything to do with counting episodes or total # of episodes it concerns the dates a show airs over a period of time which includes any and all specials, in front of, at the end of and during the season.

Example is a show has a Special sneak peak episode on 30 December 2015 and the 1st episode does not air until 6 January 2016 regardless if it is called a Pilot or not the show info should show the show began in 2015 Not in 2016. If this same show airs it's final episode on 30 December 2018 but airs a Special that never aired before on 31 March 2019 then the show info page should be 2015 - 2019 and not 2016 - 2018 as this is not correct information about this show! Because if you fail to consider these specials as part of the show you are in essence stating Specials do not count for anything, they do not mean anything they are just squat so ignore them altogether!

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

I agree with you on that point Specials should never count towards the total number of episodes and if that is ever added to show info pages I would count 13 myself as well not counting specials.
However this discussion does not have anything to do with counting episodes or total # of episodes it concerns the dates a show airs over a period of time which includes any and all specials, in front of, at the end of and during the season.
Example is a show has a Special sneak peak episode on 30 December 2015 and the 1st episode does not air until 6 January 2016 regardless if it is called a Pilot or not the show info should show the show began in 2015 Not in 2016. If this same show airs it's final episode on 30 December 2018 but airs a Special that never aired before on 31 March 2019 then the show info page should be 2015 - 2019 and not 2016 - 2018 as this is not correct information about this show! Because if you fail to consider these specials as part of the show you are in essence stating Specials do not count for anything, they do not mean anything they are just squat so ignore them altogether!

This is a tough decision, I need to wrap my head around it a bit more, let's see what others have to say about it too :)


Gadfly wrote 8 years ago: 1

On the other hand, if the show box says 2011 - 2019, but nothing aired from 2015 to 2019 except for one special, it's also kind of misleading. It makes it sound like the show aired regularly for eight seasons. As opposed to only four seasons ending in 2015 and then one special four years later.

(assuming one year = one season and all that good stuff)

It's misleading either way, so there may be no "best" option.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

Gadfly wrote:
On the other hand, if the show box says 2011 - 2019, but nothing aired from 2015 to 2019 except for one special, it's also kind of misleading. It makes it sound like the show aired regularly for eight seasons. As opposed to only four seasons ending in 2015 and then one special four years later.
(assuming one year = one season and all that good stuff)
It's misleading either way, so there may be no "best" option.

Well that's true but the years not aired has been a big problem on all TV sites forever that show that type information and the years not aired I believe that problem will never ever be resolved by any site.

However there are sites like TVRage was one on a lot of shows that aired then 10, 20 or whatever years later the show begins airing again if they fail to set up a 2nd show for the new episodes regardless of how many cast, crew etc return then they are also wrong. We both know of at least 2 shows that should have been set up brand new a 2nd time on Rage and also here that were not because it was decided it was the same show which they were but what about the huge gaps?

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

Because if you fail to consider these specials as part of the show you are in essence stating Specials do not count for anything

This is pretty much right ;-)

Specials don't count towards the premiere/end year, not towards the episode numbering, not in the watch list, and not in the previous/next episode links. I understand that this is confusing in some cases, but the opposite would be at least just as confusing.

We'll probably keep this as it is.

Gadfly wrote 8 years ago: 1

Well that's true but the years not aired has been a big problem on all TV sites forever that show that type information and the years not aired I believe that problem will never ever be resolved by any site.
However there are sites like TVRage was one on a lot of shows that aired then 10, 20 or whatever years later the show begins airing again if they fail to set up a 2nd show for the new episodes regardless of how many cast, crew etc return then they are also wrong. We both know of at least 2 shows that should have been set up brand new a 2nd time on Rage and also here that were not because it was decided it was the same show which they were but what about the huge gaps?

Whether 24, X-Files, Prison Break, and Twin Peaks are continuations or new series is IMO a different issue than a one-shot special "ending" the series years later. To the best of my knowledge, no one is claiming that the multi-episode continuations are Specials.

But I really don't know what TVRage's policy was. that was something Ben decided. Why some shows were a continuation (Torchwood comes to mind) and some weren't (Doctor Who) never was consistent. Or the consistency seemed to defy easy explanation because nobody could ever give it to me.TVMaze does/doesn't separate those two shows the same way, so who knows?

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