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Happy New Year

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

Hi guys,

I wish you all a happy new year in advance (or it must have happened already)! May 2016 be a great your to you all and TVmaze obviously!


JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

Thomas wrote:
Hi guys,
I wish you all a happy new year in advance (or it must have happened already)! May 2016 be a great your to you all and TVmaze obviously!

Well there is someone working here today how about that as I was beginning to wonder if all 5 of you were off today and tomorrow as well?

There are 33 shows waiting to be approved any chance someone can work on them real soon?

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

Happy new years to all of you, have a great evening, the shows might have to wait till tomorrow Ron :)

Added few quickly, the rest have to wait :)

Jan wrote 8 years ago: 1

Hey all,

Quickly checking in. Happy new year to all of you as well. Partying obligatory! Gogogo Juan!

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

JuanArango wrote:
Happy new years to all of you, have a great evening, the shows might have to wait till tomorrow Ron :)
Added few quickly, the rest have to wait :)

Thanks a bunch amigo. The 4 I have still pending, 3 of them are airing New episodes tonight, 31 December and 1 "How 2 Win" will air for the very first time ever in case that is important?

Jan wrote 8 years ago: 1

Thanks a bunch amigo. The 4 I have still pending, 3 of them are airing New episodes tonight, 31 December and 1 "How 2 Win" will air for the very first time ever in case that is important?

Thanks Jaguardog, but you're in the wrong thread.

This is the happy new years thread in the chat forum in case you hadn't noticed.

New Years resolution suggestion: Start posting in the correct forum ;)



porshipman wrote 8 years ago: 1

May you all go into a Great 2016 drunk as a skunk !!!

Best Wishes to all who contribute to this increasingly amazing site.

Harnas wrote 8 years ago: 1

Happy New Year or (Fröhliches neues Jahr in german)

Wish you all the best for 2016


Billo0255 wrote 8 years ago: 1

Happy... Happy... Joy... Joy... ahem. Here's hoping you have the kind of New Year's eve partying that would make Caligula jealous and the kind of New Year that you've always wanted and makes you the envy of your friends, family, stalkers, bystanders, onlookers, casual acquaintences, co-workers, your boss, etc.

Tonks wrote 8 years ago: 1

Happy New year !

gmpugs wrote 8 years ago: 1

Hi everybody, happy new years to all! :)

MichaelDeBoey wrote 8 years ago: 1

Happy New Year everyone!

Let's make this site even better than it allready is in the next year!

Harnas wrote 8 years ago: 1

MichaelDeBoey wrote:
Happy New Year everyone!

Let's make this site even better than it allready is in the next year!

Why wait for 2017 ? Let's do it now.


JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

Harnas wrote:

Why wait for 2017 ? Let's do it now.

haha :)

kathy wrote 8 years ago: 1

Harnas wrote:

Why wait for 2017 ? Let's do it now.

That's the spirit :)

WiseCrack wrote 8 years ago: 1

Happy New Year all.

Jan wrote 8 years ago: 1

WiseCrack wrote:
Happy New Year all.

Hi WiseCrack, Happy New Year and welcome to TVmaze.

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