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  • Registered since: Nov 15, 2019

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ATM Episode


Hah, Sarah Connor reference with Robert Patrick...

Ha ha...Not the first Movie or Series with Robert Patrick with a T2 reference sneaked in.

A Step Ahead Episode

A Step Ahead

Well played Mo! The Preston Borders call sets just the dramatic opening for the next season, IMO he probably watched the news and assumed that Bosch's phone would be tapped by the Feds and this phony call is now on tape causes lot of problems for Bosch just to get some kind of revenge on him. Now Bosch Legacy is wrapped up for this season can't wait for Fargo season 5 + Reacher season 2.

Escape Plan Episode

Escape Plan

That Jade was kind of a Honeytrap was obvious for me from the start, what was the old hacker saying "the best hacks are social engineering" and she worked Mo hard but I didn't thought she was a Fed.

Pilot Episode


@Dexter wrote:
What a surprise!! Another brilliant whaman. Better than all the men. I'm shocked. Never seen that before. Where have all these geniuses been hiding? I guess men are no longer holding them back. Message received. 

Idiot! Maybe read the book first.

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