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Watchlist - episodes in desecending order

kevin87 wrote 8 years ago: 1

This would be a huge help to those who follow talk shows but only watch episodes where they have celebrities they like and won't have to "View All" just to go to the last episode on the page to mark it watched. Also, if the episodes are in descending order where the first episode is last and the last aired episode is first then the "mark this and all previous ones as watched" button from the "View All" section can be placed on the Watchlist page as well so for normal shows that you have been waiting to mark them as watched until season/series was over, or you've seen everything but maybe just followed the show, you can do it all quicker. If not a complete change, then atleast the option to sort in descending order by clicking "Aired."

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

kevin87 wrote:
This would be a huge help to those who follow talk shows but only watch episodes where they have celebrities they like and won't have to "View All" just to go to the last episode on the page to mark it watched. Also, if the episodes are in descending order where the first episode is last and the last aired episode is first then the "mark this and all previous ones as watched" button from the "View All" section can be placed on the Watchlist page as well so for normal shows that you have been waiting to mark them as watched until season/series was over, or you've seen everything but maybe just followed the show, you can do it all quicker. If not a complete change, then atleast the option to sort in descending order by clicking "Aired."

There will be a change of watchlist soon in which you could ignore/skip episodes if you don't want to watch them. :)

kevin87 wrote 8 years ago: 1

Thomas wrote:
There will be a change of watchlist soon in which you could ignore/skip episodes if you don't want to watch them. :)

while that will also be helpful, for shows like Jimmy Kimmel Live which has 2,150 episodes since Jan 26, 2003, it will still require you go go to view all and go to the bottom unless you can bulk skip somehow.

kevin87 wrote 8 years ago: 1

Ggoing through one or the other doesn't really change much, will still have to go to more pages, just thought being able to sort episodes descending as well would be helpful because then you could bring the newest aired ones to the top if you're already on Watchlist to do all the others in the same place.

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