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Upcoming API Changes for TvMaze

deleted wrote 7 years ago: 1


Would it be possible to have a quick update on any future changes currently been worked on for the API please, do you have a brief roadmap so we can plan any changes in advance.

Thanks for all the hard work.

Jan wrote 7 years ago: 1

Hi wezley,

We don't provide any lists of upcoming features in order not to raise false expectations on deadlines.

What would you like to know specifically? Is there something you're currently missing?



david wrote 7 years ago: 1

If you want to keep up with changes in the API, you can follow this thread: and you'll get a notification every time a change is announced.

Major potentially breaking changes are also announced in there.

deleted wrote 7 years ago: 1

Jan wrote:
Hi wezley,
We don't provide any lists of upcoming features in order not to raise false expectations on deadlines.
What would you like to know specifically? Is there something you're currently missing?

Hi Jan,

I am currently stuck on an issue with web shows, I can't find a good way to access this information for my android app, I know I can use the full schedule api but downloading ~2.5Mb every 24 hrs isn't realistic for a users data limit.

I think I was looking for more of "What we are working on" rather than deadlines, I see many requests for features in the API forum and no clear commit on whether a feature will be implemented. I think something like this would be a really good idea.

Thanks again for providing such a good service.

gazza911 wrote 7 years ago: 1

wezley98 wrote:
I see many requests for features in the API forum and no clear commit on whether a feature will be implemented.

That's pretty much intentional

david wrote 7 years ago: 1

We receive so many questions and suggestions that we're continually overwhelmed. That means we don't really have the time to properly track everything and maintain a roadmap that you could rely on.

As for API requests, the best indicator is how many people ask for a feature. The more people asking, the more likely it is to get our attention!

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