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New badges/Achievements - Let's brainstorm

Jan wrote 4 years ago: 1

Hey guys,

We have some things listed for improvement related to the achievements page. Both functional and badge related.
F.e. show the % amount of people in the community that have a specific badge. Or a unique 'yearly' badge.

We'd like to go a bit nuts with the upcoming achievements update.
Please share any ideas you might have. Nothing is too crazy. :)

JuanArango wrote 4 years ago: 1

- more badges for contributing

- more badges for shows followed

- a badge for being a member for a year, two years and so on

Aidan wrote 4 years ago: 1

1 million contribution points, I need something to reach for :)
A badge for specifically voting on episodes, the voting badges we have you can also get by only voting on shows.

Aidan wrote 4 years ago: 1

Maybe some badges to motivate the ranked members to fix all the super boring stuff like adding gender on people :)

tnt wrote 4 years ago: 1

- perpetual badge for top contributor of the month/year, visible on the front page; maybe the same for the top voter/commenter/poster etc.

- achievement for contributing 30/60/... days in a row; yearly badge (for each year);

- more voting achievements (e.g. Bronze for 100, Silver for 500, Gold for 1500, Platinum for 3000); maybe separate show/episode voting ach.;

- voter/commenter/poster leaderboards;

- watcher leaderboards (based on watched episodes count); could be weekly/monthly/yearly;

- separate achievements for network/web channel following. "Radio Head" / "Wire Cutter" :)

- achievements for following n shows of the same genre;

- achievement for watching all shows in the same franchise;

- achievement for marking as watched at least single episode every day during 30/60/... days in a row;

However, if contributing badges/contest will be considered, it'd be nice to review the points system. At least implement the deduction of points if contribution is proven bad and deleted. It will be fair to other contributors.

tnt wrote 4 years ago: 1

Aidan wrote:
Maybe some badges to motivate the ranked members to fix all the super boring stuff like adding gender on people :)

+1. But first we need to have a tool for filtering such people. Something like "People with missing info" in Extra Data Entry tools. Basically any of "Extra Data Entry" could be considered a super boring stuff for that matter :D

JuanArango wrote 4 years ago: 1

tnt wrote:
- perpetual badge for top contributor of the month/year, visible on the front page; maybe the same for the top voter/commenter/poster etc.

- achievement for contributing 30/60/... days in a row; yearly badge (for each year);

- more voting achievements (e.g. Bronze for 100, Silver for 500, Gold for 1500, Platinum for 3000); maybe separate show/episode voting ach.;

- voter/commenter/poster leaderboards;

- watcher leaderboards (based on watched episodes count); could be weekly/monthly/yearly;

- separate achievements for network/web channel following. "Radio Head" / "Wire Cutter" :)

- achievements for following n shows of the same genre;

- achievement for watching all shows in the same franchise;

- achievement for marking as watched at least single episode every day during 30/60/... days in a row;

However, if contributing badges/contest will be considered, it'd be nice to review the points system. At least implement the deduction of points if contribution is proven bad and deleted. It will be fair to other contributors.

liking most of the suggestions here :)

Jan wrote 4 years ago: 1

Hey guys, thanks for the input. I've created a list of integrations regarding badges and the achievements page.
If someone can think of some more feel free to post them here. :)

deleted wrote 4 years ago: 1

network badges - number of shows seen from a specific network.

SilverSurfer wrote 4 years ago: 1

Like all the suggestions so far but ...

how about a badge for x number of crazy/silly/annoying suggestions or comments ... asking for a friend

deleted wrote 4 years ago: 1

SilverSurfer wrote:
Like all the suggestions so far but ...

how about a badge for x number of crazy/silly/annoying suggestions or comments ... asking for a friend

i would like one of those.

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