After six months in a coma, Butch is exposed to Indian Hills chemicals and transformed into a man-monster. Meanwhile, Bruce seeks out Ra's, and Sofia tries to make amends with Oswald.
After six months in a coma, Butch is exposed to Indian Hills chemicals and transformed into a man-monster. Meanwhile, Bruce seeks out Ra's, and Sofia tries to make amends with Oswald.
By Gadfly on Oct 22, 2017
Two hospital attendants move out Butch's comatose body to take him upstate. They chuckle and load him into an ambulance, and dump Butch in Slaughter Swamp outside of Gotha. Butch's body drifts into some chemical residue from Indian Hill. Jim tells Harvey that Ra's' trial got pushed up and realizes that Harvey is signing release forms for all of Jim's collars of criminals with Oswald's license. As they argue, Harper comes in and says that the court clerk called about Ra's. Alfred finds Bruc…
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