The Task Force investigates the unexplained disappearance and sudden re-emergence of a governor. Meanwhile, Red and Dembe surveil someone close to Katarina Rostova, as she inadvertently involves Agnes in an operation of her own.
The Task Force investigates the unexplained disappearance and sudden re-emergence of a governor. Meanwhile, Red and Dembe surveil someone close to Katarina Rostova, as she inadvertently involves Agnes in an operation of her own.
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Can't agree with the ways, but totally agree with the thinking behind it
Well, that was new (with the pregnancies). And I figured it all out: Ilya actually cloned himself, and one clone stayed Ilya and another one became Red. Obviously)
And idjit big mouth Liz strikes like mother, like daughter...pot, meet kettle. As for the rest of it, the writer had to be one that has previously written B horror or sci-fi flicks.
well that was novel & unexpected..... I sympathized with the idea of making men who make laws about women's bodies have to suffer through an unwanted pregnancies.