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The End

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Episode Discussion

supertzar76 posted 3 months ago

I just watched the first episode, it seems very promising

But whatever it turns out to be, the production design, the songs, the gadgets and the props deserve every award there is out there, it's like the game in every minute detail

So far, it's Fallout

NeoRocket posted 3 months ago

I can't believe it. This even exceeds "The Last of Us" in NAILING down a videogame and bringing it to live action. First episode I was recognizing everything. It was perfect. The Vaults were the same hallways I have hundreds of hours in. The wasteland is the exact same I have many more hundreds of hours in! Every little detail perfectly reproduced. The set designers and writers and well... Everyone must have been required to play some Fallout 3 or 4 before doing this I imagine. 


They didn't just make something "inspired by" Fallout. They brought the game perfectly to live action. With great actors and great writing and great direction and just great everything! Kudos to Amazon for being faithful! After my huge disappointment with the way Netflix crapped all over The Witcher I was apprehensive! 


This is must see tv. For ANY Fallout fan. And for any sci fi fan knowledge of Fallout NOT necessary to enjoy. Or anyone that just likes great programming and storytelling!

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