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The Acolyte

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Episode Discussion

Starshadow posted 5 months ago

I see this has been cancelled. I love what they are doing with Star Wars but this one wasn't very interesting. Looking forward to more seasons of the other series Mandalorian and Andor, maybe Ahsoka.

KenKnudsen posted 5 months ago

I saw a lot of negative comments on this show, but finally watched it anyway, trying to keep an open mind. Whether it broke specific canon and continuity is secondary to its apparent total ignorance of who the Jedi are supposed to be. Instead of being disciplined warrior monks, who are one with the force, they are almost all depicted as weak, petty, cowardly, scheming, self centred morons, who only use the force as a parlour trick once in a while. Obi Wan would have wiped the floor with all of them. I'm surprised Yoda was having anything to do with them. It's like the creators threw out all the previously established mythology, and created their own version in a galaxy far far away from the original. And this was supposedly set when the Jedi were at the peak of their power and influence. How could these losers have persisted as a force in the galaxy until the time of the movies?

Norior posted 7 months ago

@TomislavMuskovic wrote:
This show was a convoluted mess, not only broke canon multiple times, interjected characters that didn`t belong like Ki Adi Mundi, he wasn`t suppose to be alive at that time but hey lets change that, right, why not, cause we can. Other stuff i won`t even adress it cause its so messy. Only good thing they did is showing Yoda at the end and even that should have been done much sooner. Imposiblle for Yoda to have not sensed all this much sooner but hey, lets mess little with Yoda, why not, cause we can. Plageus was shown for like 5 seconds like some veary old dude, who was hiding in the shadows, no explanation if he was there with Qimir, or if anyone knew he was there.  Was Qimir his apprentice? Well it doesn`t matter now at the end. Really hoping they don`t countinue this show for another season cause if Season 2 happens it will be even more mess and it will probably cement Star Wars downfall.

Where was canon broken multiple times? 🤔

supertzar76 posted 7 months ago

(...apart from all the other problems this show has...)

lol so Yoda knew about all that? 

sure, that doesn't affect anything in the lore, not my memories of 1 of 2 characters that are present in the prequels, the OT and the sequels. Great stuff  /s

TomislavMuskovic posted 7 months ago

This show was a convoluted mess, not only broke canon multiple times, interjected characters that didn`t belong like Ki Adi Mundi, he wasn`t suppose to be alive at that time but hey lets change that, right, why not, cause we can. Other stuff i won`t even adress it cause its so messy. Only good thing they did is showing Yoda at the end and even that should have been done much sooner. Imposiblle for Yoda to have not sensed all this much sooner but hey, lets mess little with Yoda, why not, cause we can. Plageus was shown for like 5 seconds like some veary old dude, who was hiding in the shadows, no explanation if he was there with Qimir, or if anyone knew he was there.  Was Qimir his apprentice? Well it doesn`t matter now at the end. Really hoping they don`t countinue this show for another season cause if Season 2 happens it will be even more mess and it will probably cement Star Wars downfall.

GoddessRavinia posted 7 months ago

awe cool Season finale, hope for a season 2!

vinajuliette posted 7 months ago

A pretty good season finale! I guess we'll see if there'll be a season 2. It's too bad they had to throw Master Sol's reputation under the bus like that but I guess she considered it for the greater good of the Jedi Order. She was right though, Master Sol was kind of justifying his action for caring for the girls. The whole Jedi/Force Witch interaction was a total shit-show, the Jedi did basically everything wrong and should have consulted with the Council. We know Yoda is there, and he's no greenhorn (though he is green lol)

snap posted 7 months ago

Master Yoda in the house!

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