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Star City 2046

The team finds itself stranded in Star City 2046, in a future where Vandal has conquered Earth and the city's defenders have fallen. Despite Rip's warnings, Sara sets out to find Oliver Queen and help him fight the city's ruler: Grant Wilson, the new Deathstroke.

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By Gadfly on Mar 1, 2016

In the Star City of 2046, the team confronts Green Arrow, and Ray and Sara realize it's not the Green Arrow they knew. He fires an exploding arrow past them, and Heat Wave returns fire. Green Arrow swings down on a line and continues firing, and Rip and Captain Cold shoot back. Kendra insists it isn't the Green Arrow that she met, and Rip orders a retreat to Waverider. Back at the ship, Rip explains that the time line is malleable. The future they're in is not set, and Rip says that the best…

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Episode Discussion

JuanArango posted 8 years ago

very interesting episode, some tension going on between Snart and Mick :)

JAGUARDOG posted 8 years ago

Cool Beans - Deathstroke in the DC Universe is a Super Badguy and Deadpool in the Marvel Universe is a Super Hero, I know they have nothing in common but it sounds neat is all I am saying plus in 2010 there was this - Deadpool VS Deathstroke - Marvel VS DC: It's the Merc with a Mouth against the Terminator. Whose killing skills outmatch the other? The copycat or the original?

BTW Deadpool the Movie was Totally AWESOME!

JAGUARDOG posted 8 years ago

Now I am really confused as the preview (the still picture before it starts) shows Green Arrow as being White as he is and should be but with a Beard. However on the clip he is Black no Beard am I missing something here or what?

Firefly2012 posted 9 years ago

2046? No? 30 years later, Oliver Queen, one hand and beard?!

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