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Quid Pro Ho

John Decker's killer goes to trial... and Charlotte is his defense attorney. However, it's all a plan on her part to turn Chloe against Lucifer. Meanwhile, Dan realizes why Charlotte is interested in him, and Amenadiel realizes why Chloe's mother Penelope looks familiar.

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By Gadfly on Nov 29, 2016

Charlotte starts to trigger the bomb beneath Chloe's car, but Chloe gets called back to the restaurant. Amenadiel appears behind Charlotte and tells her that she can't blow up Chloe. Charlotte doesn't see why not, and grabs Amenadiel by the collar and hoists him into the air. The valet drives the car over to Chloe, and Amenadiel warns Charlotte that when Lucifer figures out that Charlotte killed her, he will hate her forever. He points out that Lucifer killed Uriel to protect her, and says that…

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Episode Discussion

JCuervo_a posted 7 years ago

Totally!, How can they end the episode like that?!?! haha :P

JuanArango posted 7 years ago

They need to kiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssss :)

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