The First Ogre's War
In the human camp, a soldier panics and runs off. The hero Beowolf sees him and asks where he's going, and says that they're the only one standing between the monsters and home. When the soldier wonders how they can win, Beowolf shows him his sword and says that it's enchanted with light magic to ensure that whoever carries it into battle is hailed as a hero. He tells the soldier that he can be known as a hero or a coward, and the soldier says that he'll fight.
Beowolf leads his men into battle against the ogres and he personally kills the first one. The two sides clash and an ogre crushes the soldier.
Later, Beowolf surveys the field of battle. An ogre comes at him from the fog and smashes Beowolf aside. Rumplestiltskin arrives and incinerates the ogre, and says that he killed all of them.
At the diner, Hook is drinking and Archie sits down next to him. Hook says that David gave him his permission to marry Emma, and Archie wonders what the problem is. The pirate explains that the problem is that he's since learned something about his past that Emma will never understand. He admits that he's broken and he actually wants to tell Emma the truth, and wonders why. Archie says that maybe he really is the man that Emma wants to marry, and that wanting to tell Emma means that he's changed. He suggests that Hook should find out if Emma sees that way.
Gold goes to the forest to look for Gideon. Belle and Mother Superior are looking as well and none of them have any success. Gold isn't happy that Mother Superior lost his so to the Black Fairy, and she continues searching on her own. He then tells Belle that Gideon is set on fulfilling his destiny, and he can't do it without the sword that Emma broke. Belle says that they have to find him, and Gold assures her that she won't lose another son.
The Enchanted Forest
At a tavern, the soldiers offer a toast to Rumplestiltskin as the hero of the Ogre's War. Baelfire comes in and Rumplestiltskin tells him that thanks to the Dark One's dagger, no one else has to die. Beowolf asks why they're cheering a monster, and Rumplestiltskin gives him his sword back. The hero reminds everyone that Rumplestiltskin hobbled himself to avoid fighting, and says that he became the Dark One. Beowolf warns that dark magic comes with a price and they'll all pay dearly for their victory. Once he leaves, Baelfire tells his father that he doesn't need his magic anymore. Rumplestiltskin says that he can't give up the magic, but Baelfire insists that Rumplestiltskin is his father and he doesn't need the dagger. After a moment, Rumplestiltskin says that he won't wield the magic and they go home.
Gideon enters the sheriff's station, shutting off the surveillance cameras. He finds the broken sword hilt in a safe and takes it, and finds Gold waiting for him. Gideon is sure that Emma can't beat him now that he has the hilt, and Gold puts him to sleep without a gesture. He then says that there are still a few things that Gideon needs to learn from him.
Robin is opening the coffer casket that he took from the mausoleum and checking the potions aside. When he hears Regina coming, he hides it and draws his bow. Regina says that her Robin came there as well and apologizes for putting pressure on him to be someone he's not. Robin claims that it's harder to adapt to his new world than he thought, and tells Regina that it isn't necessary for her to help him. He offers to meet her at her home that night, and Regina agrees.
Gideon wakes up in the clock tower tied to a chair with magical cord. Gold warns him that killing the Savior will never make Gideon the hero he wants to be. He explains that he first took magic to end the Ogre's War and save his first son, but he never became a hero. Gideon is sure that he can resist the magic if he takes Emma's light magic, but Gold tells him that the hilt is a useless relic. He refuses to defeat the Black Fairy at the cost of his son's soul. Gideon insists that he has to save his people from his curse, but Gold warns him that giving into darkness can only lead to heartbreak.
The Enchanted Forest
Rumplestiltskin is spinning when Baelfire runs in, covered in mud. Baelfire explains that the baker's son covered his face in mud so that he would look like a monster like Rumplestiltskin, and tells Rumplestiltskin not to make things worse by interfering. The villagers come in and tell Rumplestiltskin that a creature known as Grendel raided the village and carried some of them off. They sent Beowolf off to defeat the creature but he never returned. Rumplestiltskin refuses to break his promise and use magic, but Baelfire tells him that he can save the people without magic. The boy insists that Rumplestiltskin can defeat Grendel without magic, and convince the villagers that he's good.
Zelena returns home with her baby and realizes that someone is there. It's Robin, who is waiting for her at the kitchen table. He asks her that he needs her help to escape the protection spell surrounding Storybrooke. Zelena wonders why she should help him, and Robin figures that she needs to escape Storybrooke as well. He suggest that they work together, and Zelena asks when they leave.
In the clock tower, Gold asks Gideon what the Black Fairy did to him to make him think that killing the Savior is the only way that he can become a hero. When Gideon points out that his father doesn't trust him, Gold unties him.
The Enchanted Forest
Rumplestiltskin and Baelfire track down Grendel and hear him roaring from the caves beyond the lake. When Baelfire suggests that they wade through the lake, Rumplestiltskin admits that he brought the dagger and offers to teleport them there. He says that he wants to do it the right way, and Baelfire figures that he's using the dark magic as a crutch. The boy assures his father that it's only a short distance, and Rumplestiltskin gives Baelfire the dagger to stop him if he uses the dark magic.
Gideon shows Gold Her Handsome Hero, Belle's favorite book. She sent it with him and the story got him through the endless nights of imprisonment. One night the Black Fairy caught him reading it and asked if he wanted to be a hero. When Gideon said that he did, she whipped a young prisoner and let Gideon hear his cries. Gideon's cell door was open but he couldn't go to save the boy. Gideon admits that he's a coward, but he wants to show the Black Fairy that she was wrong about both of them. Gold agrees but says that first Gideon must drink the tea and sooth his nerves. Gideon does so and Gold says that it was laced with memory potion. He tells Gideon that soon he won't remember what the Black Fairy did to him. Gideon falls into Gold's arms... and then grabs his dagger and says that the potion won't work on him. He frees himself from the anti-magic bracelet and tells Gold that he's going to help fulfill Gideon's destiny whether he wants to or not.
The Enchanted Forest
Rumplestiltskin and Baelfire wade through the lake and enter the caves. The villagers' bodies are there, and Rumplestiltskin finds an ogre's horn. Beowolf grabs Baelfire and takes the dagger, and Rumplestiltskin says that there is no Grendel. Beowolf admits that the Dark One is the only monster there. He says that he will tell the others that Rumplestiltskin killed the villagers, and Rumplestiltskin says that they would have died without the magic. Beowolf figures that once the villagers see Rumplestiltskin standing over the bodies, they'll know the truth about him. Rumplestiltskin tells Baelfire to run. Once the boy runs, Beowolf says that he'll be remembered as a hero who defeated the Dark One.
At the pawnshop, Gold shows Gideon a book containing a spell that can restore the wound. He warns that it requires the blood of the person who forged it. Gideon insists that he has to repair the sword to fulfill his destiny, but Gold warns him that it won't end there. Unimpressed, Gideon commands Gold to tell him who forged the blade, and Gold tells him that the Blue Fairy was responsible. He says that there's good in Gideon and he shouldn’t snuff it out, but Gideon says that he will take the risk. Holding up the dagger, he commands Gold to not try and stop him and teleports away.
Robin and Zelena go to the outskirts of Storybrooke. Zelena brings the imprisoned Evil Queen in her cobra form, and she prepares to use a potion to weakened the protective spell. Regina teleports in and Robin says that he truly wants to find a purpose there but Regina made it too hard. She brought him to a place where he's constantly reminded that he's someone he's not. Robin insists that he can't live up to the legacy of the man who died for her. Regina warns that the potion won't work, and Robin uses it on the barrier. Nothing happens, and Regina warns Robin that he doesn't understand the real world. Robin insists that he can handle himself, and Regina agrees to do everything she can to break the protection spell so that Robin can find his happiness even if it means helping Robin leave.
The Enchanted Forest
As Beowolf heads back to the village, Baelfire ambushes him and manages to get the dagger from him. Beowolf prepares to kill him and Baelfire summons Rumplestiltskin. Rumplestiltskin blasts Beowolf back and chokes him, and Beowolf tells Rumplestiltskin to kill him so that Baelfire will see that he's a monster. After a moment, Rumplestiltskin says that he's taking Beowolf back to the truth and will tell them the truth. Beowolf says that they will never believe him, and Baelfire agrees. Rumplestiltskin says that they'll find a new village and start over, but Baelfire says that Beowolf is the monster and should pay. However, he's unable to kill Beowolf. Beowolf shoves him aside and walks off, and Rumplestiltskin tells Baelfire not to do it. Ignoring him, Baelfire orders his father to kill Beowolf. Rumplestiltskin has no choice but to break Beowolf's neck. He then stares regretfully at Baelfire.
That night, Gideon finds Mother Superior and says that she was supposed to protect her. Mother Superior tells him that the Black Fairy was too strong, and he tells her that now she can help him. All he needs from him is all of her magic. He freezes Mother Superior with magic, but Gold arrives and says that he won't let another son blacken his heart. He explains that he's there to do it for Gideon rather than let him do it. Mother Superior begs him not to do it, but Gold cuts her hand and lets her blood and magic pour into the hilt. The sword repairs itself and Mother Superior collapses. Gold tells Gideon that they will defeat the hero and Gideon will become a hero, but he won't let Gideon touch the darkness. He gives the sword to Gideon, and Gideon gives him the dagger.
The Enchanted Forest
Back at their cottage, Rumplestiltskin asks Baelfire what he's going to do with the dagger. Baelfire figures that the baker's son will think twice about tormenting him, and insists that the dagger is the only way to protect themselves. Rumplestiltskin agrees and offers him a cup of tea. Once Baelfire drinks it, Rumplestiltskin explains that it contains a memory potion. He says that he won't let Baelfire follow him into the darkness, and Baelfire forgets everything that has happened since they left the cave. Rumplestiltskin tells him that Beowolf won't be bothering them anymore. Baelfire realizes that Rumplestiltskin killed Beowolf, and Rumplestiltskin merely says that he did what he had to do. His son says that Rumplestiltskin is a monster and runs out.
Emily finds Gold at the church laying Mother Superior to rest. He says that he's the one who killed her because it was the only way to stop Gideon from doing it himself. Once they stop Gideon, Gold will return Mother Superior's magic and no one will be hurt. He figures that Gideon will go after Emma again, and Belle promises that they'll stop their son. She's impressed that Gold put his son first and figures that if he can make the right choice, then there's hope that their son will as well. Belle hugs Gold.
Hook finally goes to Emma's house and wonders how he can tell her about how he killed David's father. Emma misunderstands and says yes. She explains that she found the engagement ring and says that it's just the two of them with no secrets. Emma gives him the ring, and Hook kneels and asks her to marry him. She agrees and they kiss.
In the mausoleum, Regina is working on a potion to break the barrier. Zelena returns the Evil Queen and apologizes for going behind Regina's back to help Robin escape. Regina admits that it's her fault because she thought removing her evil self would change things. She figures that finding Robin in the other world was a test to see if she could move forward, and she failed. Regina admits that what the Evil Queen did is what she did. She removes the hood from the cage and discovers that it's empty.
At his camp in the woods, the cobra bites Robin and transforms back into the Evil Queen. She explains that a bit of the anti-magic potion stuck to him and she needed to get it from him. Robin assumes that she's Regina, and the Evil Queen explains that there are two of them. When he says that he's going to leave, the Evil Queen tells him that there's nothing in the real world for him. She offers to give him a new appreciation of what Storybrooke has to offer.
Written by Gadfly on Mar 20, 2017