The Enchanted Forest
Soldiers advance on a village and the Evil Queen and the Valet ride up. The Queen tells the soldiers to gather the neighboring villagers so that they can see justice done when she deals with Snow. The Valet warns her that if she kills Snow then she'll make a martyr of her, but the queen isn't interested in showing mercy. She goes into a cottage but discovers that Snow has left a dummy.
The Queen goes out and kills the soldier who thought Snow was there, and then tells the villagers to tell her where Snow went. She says that Snow doesn't love them, but Tinker Bell comes out and says that the Queen doesn't care about love because she threw her chance away. She explains that it started with her and the Queen should be with the man with the lion tattoo. The Queen insists that nothing dictates what she does, and Tinker Bell tells her that it's up to the Queen to decide what she does. When the Queen says that he's happy with who she is, Tinker Bell tells her that she doesn't think that she deserves love. Furious, the Queen spares that she'll spare Tinker Bell's live to prove that she's wrong, and claims that she loves all of them. However, she tells Tinker Bell that it's the only act of mercy that she'll receive from her.
The Queen explains to Robin that Regina wants to keep her dark side secret, and Robin figures that they have a lot in common because they don't belong there. He says that he might have the solution: New York City. The Queen says that he should go back to the wish realm if he steals something for her. She leads him to graveyard and conjures him a shovel to dig.
At the loft, Emma shows Mary Margaret and Henry her engagement ring and says that they're going to wait a well until they hold their wedding. Regina and Zelena come in and offer their congratulations to Emma. They explain that the Queen got loose and there's no telling what she'll do.
At the cemetery, Robin digs up a coffer. Inside are the Shears, and Regina says that they can cut a person from their fate. She explains that she will use them to final separate her from Regina.
On the docks, Hook is drinking when Nemo approaches him and says goodbye. He explains that it's time for him and his crew to set sail on the Nautilus. Nemo is happy that Hook took his advice and found a family, and Hook explains that his past has caught up to him. The captain asks if he's asked for forgiveness, and Hook says that there may not be any coming back once Emma and her family find out what he did. Nemo advises him to either tell Emma the truth or seek forgiveness from himself.
At Regina's house, Henry is looking for the pen when the Queen comes in. He tells her to give it back, but she refuses so that he won't write her out of existence. Henry says that there's good in the Queen just like there's bad in Regina, and he thinks that she can change. He asks the Queen if she's got her happy now that she has her revenge on Snow, and she admits that she doesn't. She then gives Henry a piece of paper for Regina and tells him that she loves him no matter what anyone else says.
The Enchanted Forest
The Valet approaches the Queen and says that he's there to help her get her revenge on Snow. He reminds her of the first time she cantered her horse, and she smiled because that was the day she met Daniel. The Valet wants her to be happy and hopes that if he helps her then she can move on. He gives the Queen his wife's spell book with a map that will lead them to a powerful object that can find Snow.
Regina shows the others the piece of paper: the restored page 23 of the Storybook that shows her kissing Robin. She figures that the Queen wants her to know that she has Robin and will hurt him unless Regina faces her one last time. Emma offers to go and find Robin, and Henry realizes that he was wrong to think the Queen could change. Regina says that she'll go alone or the Queen will hurt them all.
At the mayor's office, the Queen ties Robin to a chair and waits. Robin works at his bonds but discovers that they keep retying themselves. The Queen is well aware of what he's doing, and sys that she won't let him go until she destroys Regina. Robin says that killing Regina will make a martyr of her, and suggests that he's there to save the Queen. She insists that she doesn't need saving, but Robin points out that she could use a place to get a fresh start. The Queen refuses and says that her "better half" doesn't stand a chance.
The Enchanted Forest
The Valet leads the Queen to a magical gate in the woods. It glows with light magic, and the Valet admits that he lied. He explains that Tinker Bell brought him there, and invites her to follow him through the gateway. They arrive at a statue of Cupid and the Valet explains that it's Cupid's Arrow. The arrow will lead the Queen to the person she loves most. The Queen is furious that the Valet betrayed him and then says that she'll still have her revenge.
Hook looks at the dreamcatcher showing his memories of killing Robert and prepares to burn it. Emma comes in and recognizes at the images, and realizes that Hook killed Robert. Hook says that he couldn't bear to ruin her happiness after she found the ring, and he tells her that he was a broken man. Emma wonders how he could burn the memories, and says that she can't believe Hook didn't accept her to trust the news. She admits that it wouldn't be easy for him to deal with her parents, and Hook admits that he couldn't bear to destroy another family. Emma tells him that he should have trusted her, and the man she loves would have known that. She gives him the ring back and says that when he's ready for that, they can talk.
Hook goes to the docks where Nemo and his crew are loading up for their journey. Nemo wonders what happened, and Hook tells him that he's not the man that Emma needs him to be. He hopes that Nemo will take him onboard, and Nemo welcomes him aboard the Nautilus.
Regina goes to the mayor's office to rescue Robin. The Queen teleports him away and holds up the Shears, and explains that she will destroy Regina once they're separated.
The Enchanted Forest
The Queen uses her mother's spell book to find Snow White. She conjures Cupid's Arrow and the Valet tells her to set aside her revenge and find Robin. Undeterred, the Queen says that she can use a spell to have the arrow lead her to the one she hates as well as the one she loves.
Regina says that it's always about revenge with them. She tells the Queen to turn away because Storybrooke isn't ready for the two of them. The Queen uses the Shears to separate their destinies, and then conjures a sword. Regina does as well and the two fight.
The Enchanted Forest
The Arrow leads the Queen and the Valet towards the Queen's castle, and the Queen figures that Snow is there to steal her rulership. They go inside and the Arrow smashes into a wardrobe. The Queen looks inside but there's no sign of Snow. There's a mirror on the inside door, and the Queen and Valet both realize that the Queen hates herself most of all.
The Queen disarms Regina and says that she can't stand looking at the light. Regina uses a bowl to disarm the Queen, picks up her sword, and advances on her counterpart. The Queen smashes her back with a spell and picks up her sword, saying that she's all that will ever be inside Regina. Regina binds her with a spell and says that the things in her life are real and the Queen will never take them away from her. She removes the Queen's heart, and the Queen says that she hates her. Regina starts to crush the heart, but looks down and sees her reflection in the shattered glass. She stops and tells the Queen that she doesn't hate her anymore. Regina frees the Queen, and says that she's going to be brave for both of them and choose love over hate. She takes out her own heart and merges it with the Queen's, then splits the merged heart in half and gives each one to one of them. Regina explains that she gave the Queen some of her love and took back some of their darkness. She admits that they're a part of each other and now she loves herself... which means the Queen should as well. Regina hugs the Queen and after a moment the Queen hugs her back.
Regina and the Queen sit down together and the Queen assures her that Robin is all right. She sent him home to the wish realm using the wand she stole from Gold. Regina takes out the page and the Queen asks if Regina regrets not going to her true love. Her counterpart says that if she had then she wouldn’t have Henry or the town, and she can't imagine a life without that. They both realize that it wasn't Regina'a happy ending, but it gave her hope. The Queen realizes that she needs a place where she can get a fresh start, and Regina says that she knows someone who can help.
Later, Regina meets Henry, Zelena, and Mary Margaret at the diner and asks him to use the pen to send the Queen someone that she can have a chance at a new life. Regina explains that the Queen told her everything about undoing the sleeping curse, and Mary Margaret warns that not everyone is redeemable. Unimpressed, Regina says that they need to give her a chance like they gave her a chance. Zelena isn't convinced, and the Queen comes in and apologizes. She promises to do the right thing now, and Mary Margaret accepts her apology. Henry says that he knew her mother could be good, and the Queen is touched that he calls him "Mom" for the first time. He hugs her and she gives him his pen back. Henry then turns to the book, and Queen thanks Regina for helping her. Regina makes her promise to not miss a single minute, and Henry sends the Queen away. he wonders where he went, and Regina says that she has an idea.
The Queen appears outside the tavern and she realizes that it's the one Tinker Bell sent her to. She sees the man with lion tattoo inside, and goes inside. Robin is there drinking, and knows her because it's the present and they're in the wish realm. She apologizes for kidnapping him and admits that her plan didn't work out. However, she's okay with that and asks Robin if she could buy him a drink. Robin offers to buy her one instead and they sit down together.
Hook returns to the Nautilus and Mary Margaret finds him there. She tells him that Regina vanquished the Queen and gave her a happy ending. Hook is surprised to learn that a villain got a happy ending, and Mary Margaret says that it reminded her that love can save even the darkest soul. She then says that Emma told her about the engagement and she's happy for both of them, and kisses him on the cheek. Hook says that he'll let Emma know that Regina is okay, and Mary Margaret leaves..
Emma comes home and finds no one there.
Hook boards the Nautilus and tells Nemo that he's going back to Emma. Nemo wishes him happiness, just as the ship shakes and the alarms go off. Gideon steps out and says that he gave the order to submerge. He explains that for what he has planned, Hook can't be in Storybrooke. He then teleports away as the Nautilus departs.
Emma looks out the window hoping to see Hook. He's not there and she turns off the lights.
Written by Gadfly on Mar 27, 2017