Slade asks Oliver what brought him back to Lian Yu. Oliver unlocks his cell door and repeats his explanation that he needs his help. An ARGUS guard comes in and Oliver tells him to get off the island, and he's taking Slade and Digger Harkness. The guard refuses to abandon his post, and Oliver knocks him out. He turns to discover that Slade has left his cell. Slade explains that the Mirakuru wore off a long time ago and he's in possession of his facilities, and he remembers everything that happened. He wonders why Oliver wants to help him after everything that he's done. Oliver tells him about Adrian holding his friends and family hostage, Slade says that Oliver should have killed him for killing Moira, and Oliver suggests that what's happening now might be the reason he didn't. He gives Slade all of the intel that he's gathered on Slade's son Joe, including where he is now. He takes out Deathstroke's mask from his duffle bag and hands it to Slade. Slade says that it's like old times.
On the beach, Nyssa tells Malcolm that Malcolm will need to talk to him if they're going to fight side-by-side. She says that she freed them both by disbanding the League. Oliver, Deathstroke, and Digger arrive and Malcolm asks what he needs an RPG for. When Oliver says that he isn't interested in it being a fair fight, Nyssa points out that he released the "animals" from their cages. When Digger leers at her, Nyssa threatens to feed him his eyes. Someone in the jungle fires a RPG rocket, destroying their plane.
Five Years Ago
Konstantin receives word that his men heard the gunshot and goes to make sure Oliver killed himself. The cell is empty, and Konstantin tells his men to find him… but no one kills Oliver but him.
Oliver runs across the island to his trunk and checks the time. Konstantin's men come up behind him, guns ready, and Oliver turns to face them.
Malcolm goes to check the RPG launch site and Nyssa goes with him while the others go to where William made the call. As Oliver and the others head out, Digger points out that Slade killed Moira. Oliver tells him that if he helps him then he walks, and otherwise he goes back into the prison. Deathstroke sees movement ahead and the trio move forward. The hostages are in cages, and Samantha is there as well. They realize that it's a trap just as Artemis and Talia drop down. Digger takes out a gun and says that Adrian made him a better offer, and asks Deathstroke if he's going to side with them.
Deathstroke surrenders, but it's only a ruse to get close enough to Digger to attack him. Oliver disarms Artemis, and then deflects Tallia's arrow as she shoots at Samantha. Nyssa arrives and Talia drops a smoke bomb. When the smoke clears, she and Digger have escaped.
Five Years Ago
Oliver attacks the three Russians and quickly defeats them. He grabs one of their guns and kills the other three approaching. Kosntantin and his man Gennady hear the shots, and Konstantin goes to end it.
Oliver and Deathstroke free Samantha, Thea, Felicity, and Curtis, and Deathstroke locks Artemis up. She says that she doesn't know where Quentin, Rene, Diggle, and Dinah are, and suggests that leaving her there was part of the plan. Oliver tells Malcolm to fly them back to the mainland and then come back right away, and says that he'll come back for Artemis when it's all over. She says that he'll be dead.
Thea talks to Oliver privately and points out that they're orphans because of Slade and Malcolm. Oliver admits that the situation isn't ideal but he needs her help, and she agrees. Nyssa says that she can track Talia, and Deathstroke suggests that they track them to the other hostages. Oliver gives Curtis comms in case something goes wrong, and Felicity kisses Oliver. She says that it's just in case, and warns that Oliver can't know for sure that they'll make it out alive.
Black Siren takes Quentin and Diggle to the old temple, and explains that Adrian freed her and she doesn't owe Oliver anything. Rene and Dinah are chained to the walls, and Dinah explains that there's a sonic dampener. Diggle figures that Oliver will get them out of it, and Quentin wonders if he knows where they are.
Nyssa tells Oliver and Slade that the trail has gone cold, and she goes ahead to recover the trail. Slade asks what Adrian's beef is with Oliver, and tells Oliver that he suffers from survivor's guilt. He warns that everything Oliver does has to do with Robert, and the only way to bury that ghost is to forgive himself for his sins. Nyssa returns and says that she's picked up the trail.
As they head to the plane, Samantha tells Felicity that she isn't leaving William alive. She refuses to abandon her son, and Felicity says that she wasn't in favor of sending William away. Samantha asks if that's why Felicity and Oliver broke up. When Felicity says that it's complicated, Samantha tells her that judging by their case, it isn't that complicated. Meanwhile, Malcolm says that he came for her because he's her father. As Thea says that they're nothing to each other, she steps on a mine. Her weight holds the trigger down, and Malcolm confirms that it's rusted over. It means that they can't disarm it, and Malcolm says that he'll take her place. Felicity refuses, and Malcolm shoves her off and steps on the mine. Thea tells him that he doesn't need to prove anything to her, and all he wants to do is protect her. She begs him not to do it, but Malcolm says that she'll always be his daughter.
Digger and Adrian's men head forward and the others run. Malcolm tells them to stay where they are. Digger doesn't see the mine and wonders what Malcolm's strategy is, and Malcolm offers to show him.
As the others run through the forest, the mine goes off behind them.
Nyssa leads Oliver and Deathstroke past the airplane where they stayed when Oliver was first on the island.
Five Years Ago
Oliver takes out two more Russians and hears a helicopter above him. It opens fire and he takes cover.
The trio enters the temple and Oliver tells Nyssa to go on ahead. Once they're alone, Slade punches Oliver unconscious. Black Siren arrives and Slade tells her to tell Adrian that he has a gift for him. She takes Oliver to the others and explains that Slade betrayed Oliver. Once Slade and Black Siren leaves, the others say that they have no idea that William is there.
Five Years Ago
Oliver fires on the chopper and brings it down.
Thea tells Felicity that she doesn't know how she feels about Malcolm. She says that Malcolm lied to him and got her to kill her son's sister, and wonders how she can miss him. Felicity talks about how her father abandoned her, and then returned and saved her life. She tells Thea that Malcolm loved her, and Thea figure that she saw the father Malcolm could have been but will never be because he's gone. They come to the plane, and Thea and Curtis find a networked series of explosives. Thea checks her tablet and discovers that there are hundreds more all over the island.
Oliver gives Dinah the anti-sonic dampener that Curtis made, and Quentin calls her "Black Canary" for the first time. She unleashes her sonic scream. Talia hears them, and Nyssa approaches her and says that they have unfinished business. Nyssa says that Talia left her, knowing that she would suffer at their father's hands. Talia tells Adrian's men not to interfere, and the two sisters draw their swords and fight. When Nyssa knocks Talia down, the guards move in... and Deathstroke drops down behind them and kills them all.
Nyssa puts her sword to Talia's throat, saying that their father would have wanted her to. After a moment, Nyssa knocks Talia out and tells Deathstroke that he's left. Oliver and the others arrive, and Deathstroke says that William isn't there. Adrian and his men step out, and Adrian welcomes Oliver to purgatory. He tells Oliver that he's still ten steps ahead, and says that Oliver will have to kill him to get William back. Oliver refuses to kill Adrian, and Adrian attacks him. Black Siren runs off and Dinah goes after him, and the others fight Adrian's men.
Five Years Ago
Oliver goes to the chopper and finds Kosntantin crawling from the wreckage. However, when Oliver pulls the trigger, he discovers that he's out of bullets. Konstantin says that all he has to do is make sure that Oliver doesn't get on the boat, and attacks Oliver. The two men fight.
Dinah fights Black siren in a side corridor. The two of them unleash their sonic screams, and the backlash knocks them both back. Black Siren recovers first and prepares to kill Dinah, and Quentin knocks her out from behind.
Felicity tries to locate the trigger for the bombs while Curtis works on the comms.
Oliver gets increasingly violent as he fights Adrian.
Five Years Ago
Konstantin drives Oliver back into the flaming wreckage, and says that he might be stronger with his hood.
Oliver beats Adrian, demanding to know where William is. He hits Adrian again and knocks him over the balcony.
Five Years Ago
Oliver takes Konstantin down and starts breaking his neck.
Oliver starts breaking Adrian's neck, demanding to know where William is.
Five years Ago
The timer on Oliver's watch goes off, notifying him that the boat is there. Konstantin says that Oliver will be trapped on the island forever, and Oliver breaks his neck.
Adrian says that Oliver should kill him and show everyone who he really is. The others finish their fights, and Oliver tosses Adrian down and says that he won't do it. He tells Adrian that's who he was but it wasn't who he is. Oliver says that he's done blaming himself, and Adrian tells him that William is dead. Oliver tells Adrian that he doesn't believe him because he's a liar and is trying to manipulate him. He says that no matter what, eh will never be the person Adrian wants him to be.
Felicity reaches Oliver on the comms and says that he can't kill Adrian. He's rigged the explosives to a dead man's switch, and if he dies then it will detonate the explosives. Adrian uses a flash bomb and escapes, and Oliver tells Diggle to get everyone to the plane. Meanwhile, he's going after William and making sure that Adrian doesn't get off the island.
Oliver runs across the island.
Five Years Ago
Oliver goes to his duffle, puts on his wig and clothing, loses his watch, and runs to the boat.
Oliver runs to the dock and sees Adrian in his boat. Adrian pulls out, and Oliver runs along the dock and jumps aboard. He shoves Adrian down and demands to know where William is.
Five Years Ago
Oliver reaches the shore and sets off the signal fire. The fishermen see it, and they come ashore to find Olive, apparently stranded on the island for five years.
Oliver beats Adrian, who says that Oliver loves the violence. He finally throws him into the wheel, shutting off the engine. Adrian tells him that Oliver is worried about his son rather than his friends. Oliver says that his friends can take care of themselves, and Adrian points out that they're escaping in his plane.
At the plane, Diggle confirms that the plane won't start. Slade says that they're not leaving without Oliver, and Nyssa finds the plane's hydraulic system lying nearby. Felicity calls Oliver and tells him that Adrian sabotaged the plane. He tells them where the ARGUS plane is, but it's on the other side of the island. Adrian takes William out of the cabin and says that they're not finished. He points out that if Oliver kills him then everyone will die except William... but if Oliver lets Adrian live, he'll kill William.
Adrian tells Oliver to choose, and Oliver lowers his bow... and shoots Adrian in the foot. He makes sure that William is okay and tells Adrian to not even look at William.
Five Years Ago
Oliver calls Moira and tells her that he's alive. He says that he's alive and okay, but admits that Robert and Sara are dead. Oliver tells her that he's on a boat and heading back to Starling City, and he loves her.
Adrian tells Oliver that he won... and William learned who his father really is. he says that William will be fine, and they have each other. Adrian tells Oliver that it's going to be lonely and says that it will be lonely for William and Oliver without Samantha and Felicity. He shoots himself in the head and the island blows up.
Written by Gadfly on May 25, 2017