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Lian Yu

Oliver frees Slade and Digger from the supermax to help him defeat Adrian, but things soon go wrong. Meanwhile, Adrian claims that William is dead to get Oliver to reveal that he's the killer that Adrian has always claimed.

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By Gadfly on May 25, 2017

Slade asks Oliver what brought him back to Lian Yu. Oliver unlocks his cell door and repeats his explanation that he needs his help. An ARGUS guard comes in and Oliver tells him to get off the island, and he's taking Slade and Digger Harkness. The guard refuses to abandon his post, and Oliver knocks him out. He turns to discover that Slade has left his cell. Slade explains that the Mirakuru wore off a long time ago and he's in possession of his facilities, and he remembers everything that happen…

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Episode Discussion

JuanArango posted 6 years ago

This was a great season finale, but I disagree on this being the best season.

JCuervo_a posted 7 years ago

And that's how you do a season finale!. Epic.
Best season so far.

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