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Bimbo, Jr. Recap

Corky is working on his homework as Joey lounges and coaches him. Tim and Pete come over and Tim tells them that Colonel Jack has sent a wire that he's visiting with his friend the royal prince. Tim wonders how they'll entertain the price, and says that they need a host. Corky volunteers but Tim says that he's too small. They eventually settle on Pete, who is reluctant to do until Joey points out that maharajahs sometimes give out their weight in gold as presents. Joey asks for the job, and Pete quickly agrees to do it.

On the day Jack and the prince are to arrive, Pete waits in an ill-fitting tux. Jack arrives and Pete welcomes him as the circus' official greeter. He goes to shake the prince's hand, but the man shoves Pete away. Jack explains that the man is his houseboy, but assures Corky that there's a prince. He has the houseboy lead out a baby elephant, the youngest member of the Royal Stables. Pete quits, refusing to nursemaid an elephant, and Tim has Corky take charge of the elephant. Jack warns Corky that he promised the maharajah that he'd take the elephant back if it wasn't happy, and Corky says that he'll assure that it's happy. Corky suggests that they call the elephant Bimbo Jr. and Jack agrees.

They take Bimbo Jr. to the animal tent and Corky brings a glass of lemonade to christen it. Bimbo roars and Jack figures that he wants to be introduced to his new roommate. When Corky does so, Bimbo walks off. One of the maharajah's servants brings over special hay for Bimbo Jr. and Jack eats some to demonstrate how good it tastes and then thinks better of it. Bimbo eats some of Junior's dinner, and Corky yells at Bimbo.

Later, Tim points out to Joey that Corky forgot to water Bimbo again because he's swimming with Junior. Corky and Jack continue taking care of Junior, and put on his new banner so he can walk in the parade with Bimbo. Pete and the others are eating at the cook tent. Pete is complaining that Jack is a jinx, and Joey and Tim point out that they haven't had any bad luck yet.

At the next show, Tim introduces Bimbo but he refuses to perform. The audience boos, and Tim finally runs out and presents the trapeze artists. Pete takes Bimbo out, and Tim tells Joey that Bimbo has been getting harder to work with since Junior arrives. He figures that Junior should go back with Jack, and Joey hopes that Corky will understand.

Joey goes to the wagon to break the news to Corky. Corky is writing a thank-you letter to the maharajah for sending Junior. Joey finally tells him that they have to send Junior back and he figured that Corky was big enough to understand. The clown explains that Bimbo won't perform as long as Junior is around, and tells Corky that he's lavished all of his attention on Junior and Bimbo is jealous. Joey admits that he's getting jealous of Corky spending all of his time with Junior and Jack. He warns that Bimbo can't reason and his instincts tell him that Corky doesn't like him, and says that Corky is going to have to show the elephant how he feels and gets him to do his act.

At the animal tent, Bimbo breaks free of his chain and walks off. Corky arrives and goes after Bimbo, but the elephant goes into town and starts a panic. An old codger stops a shop owner from shooting it, and Bimbo continues through town.

That night, Pete and Curly ride back from town and Pete explains that Bimbo is running amok. Corky insists that Bimbo wouldn't hurt anyone, and worries that Bimbo that won't come back. Tim says that they have to move on in the morning with or without Bimbo, and Pete and Curly will stay to look for the elephant.

The next day, the sheriff rides out to the circus as it prepares to leave town. The sheriff wants to know what Tim is going to do about Bimbo. He insists that Tim stick around until they catch Bimbo, and has his deputies keep the circus there. Jack offers to put up a bond, but the sheriff says that he doesn't know how much damage Bimbo will cause. The colonel offers a thousand-dollar reward to the first person who tells them where Bimbo is. Pete complains that Jack has jinxed them again, and Tm sends him and the others to find Bimbo.

Three days later, Junior won't eat his special food and Jack figures that he misses Bimbo. The search party returns to get some lunch, and Joey tells Corky that they haven't found Bimbo yet. Once they're alone, Jack figures that they let Junior loose and he'll lead them to Bimbo. Junior leads them cross-country to where Bimbo is in a valley. Jack and Corky go back to the circus to bring help, and they manage to pull Bimbo out using horses.

Back at the circus, Bimbo and Junior are friends and Tim says that they're sold out with all of the people in town who came to find Bimbo and get the reward. Jack chuckles and asks Pete what he thinks of the "jinx," and an exasperated Pete slams his hat on a pitchfork.

Written by Gadfly on Jul 12, 2017

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