In the Black Hills, the four survivors make camp for the night. Eichhorst steps out of the shadows and says that he is looking for Vasiliy and Quinlan. He realizes that they have seen them and asks where he can find them, and one of them says that they're looking for an airfield. Eichhorst tells them that he is taking their truck off their hands. However, he only needs one of them to drive it. They realize that he's a strigoi, and Eichhorst easily kills three of them and tells the last one, Ben, that it's his lucky night.
The next day further west, Vasiliy and the others load up the nuke and Roman insists that he knows a nearby airfield where they can get a plane. However, he warns that his contact may not want to trade what they want for what they have. Quinlan wonders why Roman is coming with them to New York, and he says that he has a better chance with them then on his own. When Roman says that they've made a good team so far, Quinlan glances over at Vasiliy and Charlotte together and then says that he supposes so.
Quinlan goes over to Vasily and Charlotte, and Charlotte offers him some more blood. The half-breed refuses and asks to talk to Vasiliy alone. Once Charlotte leaves, Quinlan says that Charlotte's usefulness has passed and she can't come. Vasiliy points out that they couldn't have completed the mission without him and Charlotte, but Quinlan warns that she will just slow them down. He tells Vasiliy that he's questioning his commission, as Charlotte comes back and asks if they're good. Vasiliy says that they are, and Quinlan tells him to make sure of it.
Quinlan plays hide and seek with Lydia as Louisa looks on. She finally tells her daughter to go to sleep, and Lydia kisses Quinlan on the cheek and leaves. Louisa says that they're going to the theater, and Quinlan admits that he's never been. As they walk there, Louisa says that he appreciates how good Quinlan is with Lydia. She was withdrawn after her uncle passed, but now she's opened up to Quinlan. Louisa figures that she needs a father figure in her life, and refuses to discuss who her real father is.
Quinlan hears two strigoi feeding in an alleyway, and goes over to confront them. They hesitate, and he kills them. A third one goes for Louisa and she calls to Quinlan by name. The Master, seeing through the strigoi, turns to Quinlan and realizes who he is. he promises to come for Quinlan, and Quinlan easily kills it.
Vasiliy tells everyone to load things up, and he tells Charlotte that Quinlan thinks that she shouldn't come to New York. He says that it wasn't Quinlan's call and they owe Charlotte everything. However, Vasiliy says that what matters is what Charlotte wants. He asks her if she wants to come to New York with them, and charlotte refuses. She points out that Vasiliy said it was a suicide mission, and she figured that she'd go to her father's cabin in Montana and live off the land. Vasiliy admits that it sounds night, and Charlotte figures that it sounds better than the alternative. He hesitantly agrees and Vasiliy wonders if she broke up with him.
In Manhattan, Abby takes Zach to the apartment building where she used to leave. She explains that her parents were coming home when the nuke's blast wave hit. Zach offers his condolences and Abby says that it wasn't his fault. She thanks him for bringing her there, and they head back. Abby asks Zach about his parents, and Zach says that he doesn't know or care what happened to his father. He explains that his mother was turned and his dad killed her because he thought she was going to hurt him. Zach insists that she never would have hurt him, but his father killed her anyway. He says that he talks to Kelly occasionally, and Abby says that she understands. They arrive at the place where she lives and Zach gives her plums she kisses him briefly and goes inside.
That night at the Empire State Building, the Master gives Zach his white and asks what troubles him. he figures that Zach is in love, and Zach tells him that it's Abby. The Master asks if Abby shares his feelings, and Zach admits that he doesn't know. He tells Zach to ask Abby and Zach agrees.
Eichhorst and Ben drive to the airfield. The German gives his word that he'll let Ben go when he takes him there, and talks about how he was fascinated with the Native Americans. They discuss the merits of killing innocent people, and Eichhorst points out that some tribes turned on their own to help the white man. He points out that Ben is selling out his people to help him, and he chose self-preservation and the coward's way out, like his ancestors. Ben says that he'd better check the map and reaches for the dashboard. Eichhorst stops him and turns the radio on the dashboard.
As they drive to the airfield, Vassily asks about Charlotte's cabin. A signal comes in on the CB, and they wonder who is on their frequency. They hear Ben talking and then Eichhorst, and realize that he's nearby.
Back at Louisa's home, Quinlan tells Louisa that the Master is in London and his purpose is to defeat him. he gives Louisa a gun, and she realizes that he's not coming back. Quinlan tells her that Louisa and Lydia mean everything to him, and he plans to repay her in kind. Louisa slaps him and says that he doesn't have to do it, and Quinlan says that he must see it through for their sake. His life and the Master's are entwined, and when he kills the Master then he will die as well. Lydia comes down and begs Quinlan not to go, and Quinlan says that he wants to stay. The girl hugs him as Louisa cries.
Doc puts on his best clothes and checks his hair. He then goes to the kitchen and the chef tells him that Abby will come in later. Zach tells his feeler to stay there and goes to Abby's apartment building. He looks through the rooms filled with orphans, and finds Abby in a kitchen handing out plums. She kisses one boy, unware that Zach is watching, and he leaves before she sees him.
Charlotte directs Roman to a cut-through , and he figures that they're getting away from them. Vasiliy says that the Master knows they have the nuke, and Quinlan warns that he'll throw everything that he has at them.
Eichhorst tells Ben to make better time, and Ben says that he's pushing it as fast as he can. The radio gives off a burst of static, and Eichhorst asks how long it's been on. Ben says nothing, and Eichhorst tells him to pull over. The driver speeds up instead and then jumps out, and the truck skids to a halt. Ben runs away but Eichhorst easily catches up to him and drains him dry.
Vasiliy and the others arrive at the airfield and Roman drives up to the heavily reinforced gate. Someone shoots out their truck's mirror, and Roman warns that it's a mirror. He tells the others to wait and then calls the sniper, Arthur Dooley, on the CB and identifies him by rank. After a minute, Dooley responds, asking what Roman wants. Roman says that he wants to trade for an airplane. The gate opens and Roman drives in and parks.
Dooley comes out and greets Roman, but then sees Quinlan and draws his gun. Vasiliy draws on him, and Roman says that Quinlan is one of the good guys. Quinlan speeds over to Dooley and says that he'd already be dead if he wasn't one of the good guys. Dooley holsters his gun and asks what they have to offer. They show him the arms and supplies, and Dooley shows them the plane. He and Roman go to get the supplies, and Vasiliy tells Charlotte that she should go before Eichhorst shows up. She asks Vasiliy to come with her where they'll be safe and free. Vasiliy tells her that he can't and charlotte laughs and says that he's an idiot and kisses him.
Charlotte takes off on a motorcycle and Quinlan tells Vasiliy that it's for the best. Vasiliy says that he let Charlotte go for her sake because she deserves better than him. Quinlan tells him that would be hard to find, and admits that he likes to give a compliment every hundred years or so.
Quinan goes to the area where he fought the strigoi and finds the Master feeding. The Master greets his son, and Quinlan draws his sword as the Master says that Quinlan will die. He attacks and the two of them fight. Quinlan manages to stab the Master in the chest, and the strigoi flees into the shadows. As Quinlan prepares to deliver the final blow but hesitates. The Master knocks him back and stabs him through the chest with his own word, and figures that Quinlan was reluctant to die. He says that Quinlan's new family should meet Quinlan's father and speeds off. By the time that Quinlan frees himself, the Master is long gone.
Abby returns to Zach's apartment and he asks how the plums were... and if her boyfriend liked them. He says that he saw Abby with him, and he went there to talk. Zach says that it doesn't matter what he wanted to say, and tells Abby that he was supposed to be her boyfriend. Abby tells Zach that she doesn't think of him that way, and Zach says that he was nice to her. He promises to do whatever she wants him to do, and Abby says that he's sweet but just a kid. Furious, Zach smashes a plate and says that he's not a kid, and says that she's going to clean it up if he orders her to. Abby starts to walk out, and Zach grabs her. The feeler moves in on Abby, who tells Zach to call it off. He refuses and Abby runs to the elevator. Zach calmly walks by, and the feeler stings Abby while Zach sits in the corner and covers his ears so he won't hear the draining noises.
Quinlan returns to Louisa's house and finds her and Lydia drained and laid out on the bed. He washes off his makeup and then kills them before they can turn.
Zach is feeding a rat to his snake when "Natalie" comes in and says that he's upset about Abby. She warns that people are complicated and they lie and cheat... just like Eph did to her. Zach complains that he did what he was supposed to but everything he was afraid of came true. Natalie says that he was afraid of losing Abby, and now he never will. Zach gave Abby a gift by releasing her from humanity and everything that comes with it, and now she's part of the Master's family. She will never abandon Zach again, and the Abby strigoi walks into the room and sets down a tray of food. Zach hugs his "mother" and says that he loves her.
Quinlan secures the cargo and Roman plans to take off. However, he spots storm activities and warns that they don't have enough fuel. Eichhorst pulls up in the truck, and Roman taxis the plane down the runway. The German drives after them, but Dooley shoots the tires out of the truck. The plane takes off, and Eichhorst opens fire with the machine gun on the truck, killing Dooley. The plane takes off and Eichhorst shoots at them. However, Charlotte shoots him from a distance, knocking him off the truck to the ground. Vasiliy tells Quinlan that she saved them, and Quinlan says that Vasiliy saved her by leaving her behind.
On the ground, Charlotte watches the plane fly away.
Written by Gadfly on Aug 21, 2017