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Experiment 1204: The Day Time Ended Recap

Jonah is working on the canister rack when Bot and Crow come by and try to start trouble. After they leave, Max comes over and asks if Jonah is going to use the tools they gave him for some kind of ironic comeuppance for the Mads. Jonah assures him that he's not, and once Jonah is sucked away, Kinga comes over and punches Max in the face when he says that he and Jonah have become good friends.

On the SOL, Jonah and Crow use Servo to brew up coffee. Servo is hyped up on coffee. Max and Kinga call. They "drink" from empty cups of coffee and tell Jonah to get on with the invention exchange. Jonah and the bots present the "fortune meal", complete with Peking Magic Eight-Ball and Fortune Watermelon. Kinga presents spray-on mustard gas and demonstrates it on Max. She then sends them their new movie, The Day Time Ended. Ardy gets done tending to his new dog Bonesy and flushes the SOL the movie.


At the first break, Jonah and the bots pretend to be the characters from the movie. They discuss how they want to die, and Growler and M. Waverly pretend to be bikers. The resulting fight is interrupted by movie sign.


At the second break, Jonah and Crow co-write The Day Time Ended. Servo shows up as a script doctor and performs a musical number about making an incoherent movie by stacking in lots of concepts and action. Jonah and Crow join in, and Max and Kinga add their voices for the finale.


Jonah tells the bots that they have to keep fighting the Gauntlet. The bots hallucinate the futuristic city from the movie. Meanwhile, Forrester's old ship Pretty Lady arrives with Dr. Laurence Erhardt at the helm. He explains that he went on a journey of self-discovery and it's worked out real nice. Erhardt broke into Gizmonics' to liberate Forrester's ashes and TV Frank's ashes were with them. He's taking them to Mearth, the legendary planet between Earth and Mars. As Max goes to get the song the original Mads wanted their ashes scattered to, Erhardt tells Kinga that her mother was Kim Cattrall but she wouldn't convert to Mad Sciencing. He departs and Kinga tells Max to push the button.

Written by Gadfly on Nov 25, 2018

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