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Well that was short lived, it's too bad!

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

We eventually closed the previous thread not because the subject is off limits, but because people were starting to use us as the tvrage support forums.

Indeed we've been told some crazy stories about what went down at tvrage, but since most of that was off the record it wouldn't be appropriate for us to comment any further.

But feel free to talk amongst yourselves!

Morning_Star wrote 8 years ago: 1

TomSouthwell wrote:
Not sure how much Gadfly or any other staff member present or past is actually aware of what actually led to TVRage shutting down. I know the guys at Maze are aware, or as aware as I am, that the reason given, is perhaps not the real reason at all. I refuse to go back to the site now, which is apparently crowd-funding at any given opportunity under the guise of the site not going offline again. Myself and another ex-staff member were both approached by Roger in December after he fired us 12 months earlier. I would just caution anyone planning on sticking around there and donating, whether that's monthly or a one-off donation.

I was initially sceptical about the security issues thing, but the more it keeps coming up, the more it seems likely that they are being truthful. I've often found such cynicism to be painted by misunderstanding and a series of unfortunate events.

And who's Roger? Is he the one they call Sebrioth? Because I honestly doubt he's still with the site. No one has brought up his name and the one time "the owner" was alluded to, they seem to sidestep the specifics for reasons they know to be improper to discuss in public.

By the way, WiseCrack, they are working on bringing the old site back, albeit in an archived form, so it won't be lost. It's just the forum became compromised due to, again, security issues that were quite evident.

Gadfly wrote 8 years ago: 1

I really don't have anything to add t the discussion beyond what Morning_Star said. Like M_S, I was one of those targeted by the hackers, so I can testify that happened. And that there was a lot of behind-the-scenes scrambling to rectify the problem, because I was doing some of that scrambling. :)

Roger = Sebrioth, yes.

Like David, I've heard stuff from both sides but it's all been off the record.

TomSouthwell wrote 8 years ago: 1

Roger is still involved as Tux is a personal friend of his. If anyone wants me to go on record and say what I know to be the truth, I can, It felt inappropriate at the time, im just worried about anyone whos donating money

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

TomSouthwell wrote:
Roger is still involved as Tux is a personal friend of his. If anyone wants me to go on record and say what I know to be the truth, I can, It felt inappropriate at the time, im just worried about anyone whos donating money

I know one thing and that is Tux is NOT American but that's not a bad thing I'm just saying. His grasp of the English language and the use of English grammar/vocabulary is horrible! Sometimes I have no clue what he is saying?

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

TomSouthwell wrote:
Roger is still involved as Tux is a personal friend of his. If anyone wants me to go on record and say what I know to be the truth, I can, It felt inappropriate at the time, im just worried about anyone whos donating money

As we all believe in the freedom of speech, it is up to you if you want to tell the people what you know, I will not encourage nor discourage you, just in case you want to tell what you know, do it in a nice fashion :)



Morning_Star wrote 8 years ago: 1

I'm not interested because unless Seb (or someone speaking on his behalf) wants to rebut it, it's just going to be one-sided. And I've found that doesn't really help get to the truth. If anything, it only helps muddle it. Again, something as small as a miscommunication/misunderstanding can colour things the wrong way, so unless I can hear from the other side, it's pretty much moot.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

They DID NOT need a New Forum over there especially one that requires a second password to sign into separately from the main sight. That is the stupidest idea anyone has ever had over there in the 13 years I worked over there. The reason they claim is because of hackers and spammers and I think that is garbage! All of a sudden after all these years the problems with these types are causing this that is a very sorry excuse. The new Forum sucks, not having PM's on the regular site anymore sucks and the Forum Moderator is full of it!

I will not use that New Forum if I have to have an interpreter to explain to me what he is saying because his use of the English language is so very BAD! Besides that he is a very Rude person if you do not like what he says or do not agree he will bad mouth you and tell well you don't have to use the Forum if you don't like our (he really mean his) new rules!

WiseCrack wrote 8 years ago: 1

Morning_Star wrote:
By the way, WiseCrack, they are working on bringing the old site back, albeit in an archived form, so it won't be lost. It's just the forum became compromised due to, again, security issues that were quite evident.

As a professional software engineer myself, there's no excuse for this. Security issues could/should have been fixed. I'm glad the old forum will be archived, but the concept of dumping a third party forum software into the site is an awful, awful idea.

Nobody wants to have 2 logins for the same site. Everything is so polished on the web nowadays, getting redirected to a sub-domain with a third party forum software makes the entire site seem amateurish.

I don't mean to speak ill of TVRage, I am/was a big part of it for literally a decade. But it's like watching your best friend repeatedly sabotage themselves over and over. At least when TVTome sold out somebody got rich off of it. This is just watching something great crumble under it's own weight. It's heartbreaking to me.

gmpugs wrote 8 years ago: 1

WiseCrack wrote:
As a professional software engineer myself, there's no excuse for this. Security issues could/should have been fixed. I'm glad the old forum will be archived, but the concept of dumping a third party forum software into the site is an awful, awful idea.
Nobody wants to have 2 logins for the same site. Everything is so polished on the web nowadays, getting redirected to a sub-domain with a third party forum software makes the entire site seem amateurish.
I don't mean to speak ill of TVRage, I am/was a big part of it for literally a decade. But it's like watching your best friend repeatedly sabotage themselves over and over. At least when TVTome sold out somebody got rich off of it. This is just watching something great crumble under it's own weight. It's heartbreaking to me.

I know what you mean. I may not have been as heavily involved with TVRage as you, JAGUARDOG, Gadfly, or some of the other names that look familiar to me that found this site (my screen name there was calicow), but it was still a good site that provided a lot of show information and camaraderie in the forums.

bungle wrote 8 years ago: 1

same. but I'm only using it as another place to get data from to add here, and even then querying from that site is slow now.

Gadfly wrote 8 years ago: 1

The reason they claim is because of hackers and spammers and I think that is garbage! All of a sudden after all these years the problems with these types are causing this that is a very sorry excuse.

Weren't you one of the people hacked last week? (As was I.)

How many times were you hacked in the years before last week? If none, then Yes, the answer is that it is "all of a sudden." You'd have to ask the hacker(s) why he decided to increase his attacks.

If someone started hacking TVMaze today, would it be strange that they hadn't attacked in the last 1+ year? If they hack January 2017, is it unusual that they didn't do so today? Everyone's got to start sometime.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

Gadfly wrote:
Weren't you one of the people hacked last week? (As was I.)
How many times were you hacked in the years before last week? If none, then Yes, the answer is that it is "all of a sudden." You'd have to ask the hacker(s) why he decided to increase his attacks.
If someone started hacking TVMaze today, would it be strange that they hadn't attacked in the last 1+ year? If they hack January 2017, is it unusual that they didn't do so today? Everyone's got to start sometime.

That's what you say but I really have a very hard time believing that it was a hacker that hijacked my information I still believe I was being shut out of the site by Ben or someone not a Hacker!

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

If anyone is thinking about joining the NEW Forum over there let me first warn you about the Forum Moderator Tux. He does NOT want any suggestions and he does not want anyone to voice their own opinion about anything as he has a Huge GOD complex and what he says goes. If you don't like what he has to say he will tell you you can leave and not use his Forum! I personally believe he came out of nowhere to jump up to being #2 man on the totem pole over there behind Seb? He was never on the site before January 2016 and all of a sudden he is a TOP Dog over there very strange indeed?

Gadfly wrote 8 years ago: 1

That's what you say but I really have a very hard time believing that it was a hacker that hijacked my information I still believe I was being shut out of the site by Ben or someone not a Hacker!

If so, Ben shut out me and several other people here, who can all testify that they were locked out as well and their passwords changed. Plus, if he had shut you out, well... I'm the one who got you and most of the others back on. People here can testify to that, too.

If I had gone against what Ben or anyone else in authority had done, even unwittingly, I wouldn't be at TVRage anymore.

And if it happens again, I'd get you and the others back on again. Which doesn't jibe with someone in authority shutting people out. Why would they let me do it again when they could just ban me for helping you the first time?

Basically, the hacker hacked the top contributors. I'm one, you're one, the other people targeted were all on the top 10. If you were shut out by the site admins... well, you and I would still be shut out. We're not.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

Gadfly wrote:

If so, Ben shut out me and several other people here, who can all testify that they were locked out as well and their passwords changed. Plus, if he had shut you out, well... I'm the one who got you and most of the others back on. People here can testify to that, too.
If I had gone against what Ben or anyone else in authority had done, even unwittingly, I wouldn't be at TVRage anymore.
And if it happens again, I'd get you and the others back on again. Which doesn't jibe with someone in authority shutting people out. Why would they let me do it again when they could just ban me for helping you the first time?
Basically, the hacker hacked the top contributors. I'm one, you're one, the other people targeted were all on the top 10. If you were shut out by the site admins... well, you and I would still be shut out. We're not.

Sour Grapes, whaaaaaaaaa! Now go tell Ben!

TomSouthwell wrote 8 years ago: 1

If anyone is thinking about joining the NEW Forum over there let me first warn you about the Forum Moderator Tux. He does NOT want any suggestions and he does not want anyone to voice their own opinion about anything as he has a Huge GOD complex and what he says goes. If you don't like what he has to say he will tell you you can leave and not use his Forum! I personally believe he came out of nowhere to jump up to being #2 man on the totem pole over there behind Seb? He was never on the site before January 2016 and all of a sudden he is a TOP Dog over there very strange indeed?

Tux always worked on Rage and always had an account there, he's just more present now.

Gadfly wrote 8 years ago: 1

It looks like they're bring back the old forums and keeping the old PM system anyway, so it seems to be a moot point.

Gadfly wrote 8 years ago: 1

And... the old forums are back up, and everything that was in them still appears to be in them.

So a week to deal with security issues, and that's it.

dontchange wrote 8 years ago: 1

My advice is don't donate anything to the site.

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